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15 Product Packaging Designs That Are Beyond Creative

The packaging doesn't seem like something the average person would normally concern themselves with unless they're faced with the overflow of packaging that most deliveries come with. However, the manner in which a product is packed can play a huge role in getting you to add it to your cart, whether at a store or through an online shopfront. Creativity can be found not only in the uniqueness of a certain product but also in the way it is presented. After all, presentation is everything when it comes to grabbing a customer's attention. Here are 15 products with the most genius packaging designs that will make anyone do a double-take when they see them.

1. Molocow Milk 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Molocow Milk

2. Honey made by bees 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Honey made by bees

3. Thelma’s Cookies

Products with unique and creative packaging, Thelmaโ€™s Cookies

4. A popcorn packet that pops-up into a bowl when the popcorn is ready

Products with unique and creative packaging, A popcorn packet that pops-up into a bowl when the popcorn is ready

5. The lid of this yogurt can be folded into a spoon 

Products with unique and creative packaging, The lid of this yogurt can be folded into a spoon

6. Spices in light bulb jars with matching coasters

Products with unique and creative packaging, Spices in lightbulb jars with matching coasters

7. The most honest chocolate tablet 

Products with unique and creative packaging, The Most Honest Chocolate Tablet 

8. Cookies with packaging that can be turned into a mask

Products with unique and creative packaging, Cookies with packaging that can be turned into a mask

9. Heart-shaped wine bottle 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Heart-shaped wine bottle 

10. Bird-shaped Green Berry tea 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Bird-shaped Green Berry tea 

11. Fit buns high protein bread

Products with unique and creative packaging, Fit Buns High Protein bread

12. Banana milk made from real bananas

Products with unique and creative packaging, Banana milk made from real bananas

13. Marais Piano Cake packaging 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Marais Piano Cake packaging 

14. Jam Jars that look like Nail polish 

Products with unique and creative packaging, Jam Jars that look like Nail polish 

15. A bottle that doubles as a dumbbell 

Products with unique and creative packaging, A bottle that doubles as a dumbbell 

(Source: BoredPanda)  

If you were enticed by these fascinating designs, be sure to share them! 

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