The art of leatherworking, also known as leathercrafting, involves molding, dyeing, carving, stamping, and fabricating leather into different objects or artworks. Although evidence of hideworking and tanning dates back 400,000 years, the earliest documented leatherworking tools date back to the Stone Age in 5,000 BC. Back then, leather was used for shelters, clothing, and shoes. In today's world, leather is used for many things including footwear, car seats, clothing, footballs, backpacks, purses, books, and furniture.
In this post, we share a few amazing leather artworks made by some incredibly skilled people. Whether it's a pin cushion shaped like a puffer fish or artfully crafted armor, these handmade leather creations demonstrate just how much talent exists in our world.
Related: These People Turned Wood into Wonderful Works of Art
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Incredible! A Glimpse Into What Ancient Rome Looked Like
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These Stunning Photographs Will Stop You in Your Tracks
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The Breathtaking Views of The Polish Tatra Mountains!
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From classic views of the British countryside to powerful images of the ocean, these Landscape Photography Awards winners are mesmerising.
WWII’s Most Thrilling Dogfights Caught on Camera (12 Pics)
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17 Historical Pics That Give a Glimpse of The Past
Here, we present to you some rare historical photographs that you are unlikely to have seen before.
We Love These Woodworking Masterpieces! Don’t You?
This is craftsmanship at its finest.
Get Inspired to Declutter With These Before & After Photos
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In Pictures: International Dog Photography Award Winners
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History Doesn't Forget: Rare Historic Photos!
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View the Winning Photographs From the Siena Photo Awards
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Stunning Underwater Photography That'll Make Your Jaw Drop
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Reminisce With These Great Vintage Grocery Store Photos
Here are a collection of vintage photographs that will take you through different grocery stores across America throughout history. Take a look!
A Mother’s Love Captured in 15 Stunning Animal Photos
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20 Previously Unseen 20th-Century Celebrity Portraits
Enjoy this beautiful collection of unseen 20th-century celebrity portraits by the famous American photographer Philippe Halsman.
Wow, You Don't See THIS On a Regular Day...
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Can You Believe Someone Actually Built These? Amazing!
These architects created something a bit difference...
25 Poignant Photos With Important Stories Behind Them
These 25 fascinating photos may seem ordinary or odd at first glance, but once you read the stories behind them, you'll be wowed!