Some products instantly catch our eye thanks to their unique packaging. Imagine strolling through your local supermarket and coming across a milk carton that claims to change color as it nears its expiry date, or a wine case that doubles as a birdhouse! We bet you would be instantly drawn to these cool products. Many companies these days try and use innovative labels and designs to make their products stand out. Here, we have featured some of the most eye-catching examples of creative packaging designs that will make you do a double-take.
From Milk Clothing to Ostrich Pillow: 10 Wacky Inventions
Check out these weird and wacky modern inventions that might just be useful for you.
The Inflatable Airplane That Once Promised To Save Lives
The Goodyear Inflatoplane was a unique aircraft from the '50s that was designed as a rescue vehicle. Learn all about its story here.
15 Cool Modern Inventions That Will Make Your Life Easier
Take a look at some really cool and useful innovations that you probably didn't even know existed before.
These Designs May Be Weird But They Inspire Creativity
Check out these weird and unusual art objects that are full of creativity.
15 Majestic Works of Art Made By Supremely Gifted People
The world is filled with incredibly creative people. Here, we have presented the artistic creations of a few such talents.
15 Creative Design Ideas That Will Make Our Lives Simpler
In this collection of pictures, you will see some simple yet innovative designs that are made to make our life simpler.
Now This is What Photography is All About...
Each of these photos tells a beautiful story...
How Our Ancestors Imagined the Home Interior of the Future
The previous generations had peculiar but fascinating ideas of what the home of the future should look like. Let's find out if any of their predictions came true...
Some Ceilings Keep You Dry, Some Make You GASP
Some ceilings were meant to be admired...
18 Images That Will Make You Gasp
These images may not exactly have a common theme to unite them, but we simply had to share them with you - each image is amazing in its own way.
15 RARE Historical Photos of World Leaders in Their Youth
Have you seen these extremely rare historical photos before?
The Best of Black & White Photography: Award-Winning Pics
Marvel at the astonishing winners of the Monochrome Photography Awards 2023.
15 Stunning Behind-the-Scene Photos From Famous Movies
Imagine finding yourself on the set of such iconic movies as The Titanic, James Bond, Star Wars, and The Shining.
Have You Seen These Beautiful Churches?
Churches are beautiful and peaceful places that always manage to put me in a relaxed state of mind. Perhaps it is their beauty or their design, but this amazing feeling is even more powerful at these 22 most iconic and majestic of churches.
Interactive: What Happens When We Try to Take Pro Photos!
It can seem like photography is easy, all you need is a camera and a beautiful subject. Yet these photos prove that the experts do know what they're doing!
15 Stunning Photos That Reveal the Beauty of Outer Space
Explore the cosmos through these captivating photos.
A Different Look at the Moments that Changed the World
Incredible photos of historical events, shot from a different angl, showing a different view of the events.
10 Risky Roads You'd Have to be Insane to Drive On
There are some road networks that top the polls in world's most dangerous roads. This clip takes a look at 10 risky roads you won't want to drive on.
13 Colorized Historical Pics You Shouldn’t Miss!
The past comes to life in these beautifully-colorized historic photographs.
15 Fascinating Pictures of Extraordinarily Rare Things
The world around us is filled with captivating elements.Take a look at this collection of 15 fascinating photographs of rarely seen things.
20 of the Most Perfectly-Timed Pictures Ever Taken
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever. Some are hilarious, others painful, and others will just cause amazement at how they were captured.
Drop Everything and Take a Look at These Incredible Photos
You've simply got to check out these 20 powerful photographs that really do say a thousand words each!
Japan's Nature Comes Alive in Gorgeous Photo Collection
The immense beauty of Japan's nature is presented through a huge collection of sublime photographs.
Incredible! A Glimpse Into What Ancient Rome Looked Like
This video depicts a 3D rendering of what Rome looked like in 320AD.
This Man Took 18 Breathtaking Photos of Icy Greenland
This article invites you to check out 18 of the amazing photos brought back from Greenland and learn a little about this incredible place.
These Are the Greatest Historic Homes Found in the US
These historic homes are the most important in the United States. See pictures of a historic home in each US state, and find out more about them.
What Life Looked Like in 1890: 16 Fascinating Photos
Let’s explore the world looked like in 1890 through 16 fascinating photos.
15 Fascinating Photos That Bring 1930s China to Life
These rare photos unveil some hidden stories from 1930s China.
15 Stunning Examples of Architecture at Its Best
here are 15 examples of architectural structures from around the world that amaze everyone who envisions them for the first, tenth or millionth time.
25 Poignant Photos With Important Stories Behind Them
These 25 fascinating photos may seem ordinary or odd at first glance, but once you read the stories behind them, you'll be wowed!
10 of the Most Outlandish Building Designs Ever Conceived
These 10 architectural projects push the envelope far enough to reach another planet. Here are 10 of the most outlandish construction projects ever conceived.
In Pictures: 2024 Black & White Photo Contest Winners
Check out the exceptional winners of the 2024 Black & White Photo Contest.
20 Poignant Photos You Don’t Want to Miss!
These photos may not fit one specific topic, but there’s one overarching characteristic that unites them all - they’re all absolutely fascinating!
16 Stunning 3D Murals That Redefine Street Art
Artist Cosimo Cheone Caiffa transforms streets into captivating artworks with his stunning 3D murals.
10 Historical Figures Side by Side Their Live Descendants
Have you ever wondered how the modern-day descendants of some of the most iconic historical figures looked like? Wonder no more, here they are.
These Colorful Photos Are An Affirmation Of Life's Beauty
These photos are concrete evidence of the existence of beauty in every nook and cranny of our world. What's more, they'll fill your heart with joy and wonder.
Dubai, the City of a Thousand and One Views!
Dubai arguably boasts the most incredible urban landscape in the entire world. Take a look at these stunning pictures of the emirate's skyline.
Some People Go Completely Overboard On Halloween...
While some people just love Halloween, there are others who don't bother with it at all. The owners of these houses certainly do though! Take a look.
10 Show-Stopping Photos of the Sunbirds of South Africa
Admire the magnificent, regal beauty of South African sunbirds in 10 stunning photos in this article
These Vintage Photos Left an Indelible Mark on History
Ever seen Einstein in a leather jacket or the Lincoln Memorial half-finished? These historical photos will show you famous faces and places in a new light
Nature Used All Possible Colors to Create These Animals
Nature is filled with beautiful animals, plants and insects, with magnificent colors and shapes. The dazzling colors of these animals can only be found in nature, see for yourself in the photos below.
Make Your Home Even Better With These Awesome Ideas
If you're looking to do a spot of home redecorating, these ideas will inspire you to greatness!
Learn About Photography's History Through These Old Photos
In celebration of the incredible history of photography, here are 12 outstanding photographic 'firsts' that span the last couple of centuries.
Timing Is Everything, and These Photos Prove It (15 Pics)
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever.
Woman Finds Incredible 1930s Time Capsule From Her Father
The Shoebox Negatives is a project by Joan Ruppert to share her late father's photogprahy form the 1930 and 40s. Go on a journey with this touching time capsule
Discover 10 of the Most Beautiful Churches in Paris
Paris has an abundance of art, history, and architecture, which can be seen concentrated in beautiful churches photographed in the most extraordinary way.