Dog owners know that our canine friends make our lives better every day. Apart from being incredibly loyal, adorable, and fun, dogs also make our world a better and safer place. These heroic dogs below have selfless jobs; many have dedicated their lives to the good of the community. From dogs that guard penguins to ones that provide therapy to sick children, here are some of the most awesome dogs you will ever know.
Related: 17 Dogs Who Will Surprise You With Their Resourcefulness
These Gentle Dog Breeds Are Perfect for Older Adults
Here are 10 dog breeds that are ideal for seniors.
These Words Perfectly Sum Up Our Relationship With Dogs
If you have ever had a dog, you will surely relate to these lovely quotes.
Here’s How Male and Female Dogs Are Different
We usually assume there isn’t much difference between male and female dogs. But that isn’t exactly true.
This Dog’s Dance Routine Will Blow Your Mind!
Watch this captivating performance by a dog and its handler at the Dog Dance World Championship.
Watch the Inspiring Story of This Record-Breaking Dog
Watch the inspiring story of Spitfire, a dog who's rewriting the record books of the canine sports world.
Book Recommendations: 10 of the Best Reads for Dog Lovers
If your best friend is a dog, then you’ll this list of the best book about dogs.
Here Are 20 of the Goofiest Cats You'll Ever See!
These 20 photos are proof that cats can be just as goofy as any human out there!
Opposites Do Attract! These Dogs & Cats Are the Proof
Tom and Jerry was great, but as these sweet pictures testify, it was totally wrong when it comes to dogs and cats. In reality they absolutely adore one another.
18 Heartwarming Family Photos of Animals and Their Young
These adorable animal families will warm your heart.
The Story of this Dog and Fox Will Melt Your Heart
Usually, dogs and foxes tend to be enemies, but when this dog met a tiny kit, something miraculous happened...
15 of the Most Adorable Puppies Dreaming Sweet Dreams
While puppies are cute in and of themselves, tired puppies falling asleep in random positions is a recipe for crazy cuteness! Here are 15 sleeping puppies.
20 Adorable and Inspirational Quotes about Dogs
Every dog lover needs to read these adorable and inspirational quotes about our furry friends.
Adorable: The 7 Stages of a Cat Bonding With a Baby
A wonderful video that is sure to make you smile as you watch a cat slowly bond with the new tiny human in its life.
You Couldn't Wish for a Better Childhood Friend...
These furry child keepers are the perfect companions for love and fun.
You Won't See Animals Like This Anywhere But The Internet
These animals were born with genetic mutations that make them stunning and rare wonders of nature.
WATCH: Don't Mess With This Parrot's Water Pressure!
Parrots are known for being very clever birds, and this one is no exception. This one is all about setting the water pressure just right! Watch this video now.
Try Not to Cry When You See These Owners and Dogs Reunite
Try not to cry as you watch these adorable dogs reunite with their owners.
Aww-Inducing Portraits of Cats Taken from Down Under
Professional photographer Andrius Burba took pictures of cats on glass surfaces to hilarious results
When Dogs Believe They Are Actually Cats...
These dogs are convinced they are actually cats in disguise!
These Pictures Prove That Animals Will Have Your Back
19 photos that prove how kind and caring animals are.
If You Ever Wondered Why People Love Dogs - This is Why
This is a tribute to the best friend that a man can have. Hear Hear to our favorite 4-legged friends!
A Terrific Dance of Dog and Human!
In this fantastic dance, this pet owner uses a mirror to convey both subtext and some fabulous dance steps for her 4-legged partner.
This Compilation of Dogs and Pups Just Made My Day!
A cute video compilation of the most adorable doggies and puppies! I can't stop smiling at this...
16 Vintage Photos of Sweet Dogs Throughout History
If you’re a dog lover, this post is for you!
19 Cats and Dogs That’ll Help You Forget All Your Troubles
Whether you're having a bad day or have a lot on your mind, let these 19 cats and dogs wipe out all the troubles and warm your heart!
These Spooky Dogs Have the Best Halloween Costumes Ever
These dogs are dressed for the Halloween party of their lives.
Some Thieves Are Too Cute For Us to Be Mad At...
Some animals have to rebel, but they do it such a cute way...
These 10 Animal Adoption Stories Will Melt Your Heart!
Have a look at these 10 cross-species animal adoption stories and see if you've ever heard anything sweeter!
These Cat-Snaps Will Brighten up the Darkest of Days!
These funny cat photographs will leave you grinning from ear to ear!
When Daddy and Baby Get Together, Hilarity Ensues!
rom high-flying tosses to goofy dances, witness the unfiltered joy and adventurous spirit of fatherhood that brings a new dimension to family fun.
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
These Cats Really Are Excited for Christmas
Humans are not the only ones who get excited for Christmas. Check out these 18 photos which show that cats also love the festive season - especially the trees!
These Inter-Species Friendships Melted My Heart...
Watching these animals from different worlds become fast friends makes me feel so happy!
15 Delightfully Cute Photos of Unlikely Animal Friends
Meet the most unusual and cutest animal companions.
These Dogs Decided They Just HAVE to Stick Their Heads...
They say cats are curious but they are not more keen to show their faces than these cheeky dogs. Here are 23 cute dogs poking their noses through some fences!
Adorable - Heartwarming Animal Adoption Stories
From a baby squirrel being raised with kittens to an eagle raising a baby chicken, these are some of the most heartwarming animal adoption stories we've seen!
There's One Type of Dog that Always Makes Me Laugh...
This adorable compilation of the famous sausage dogs will make you melt. Enjoy this video compilation of one of the cutest and funniest dog types having fun with people!
These Sneaky Little Dogs Sure Know Where the Food Is Kept!
You have to be careful when these clever dogs come a-sniffing! No piece of food in the area will be safe.
Cat Mom Adopts a Little Fella From Another Species...
In this video, you'll see how a mother cat welcomes a new "kitten" to her little family - a tiny little skunk!
I Loved Seeing These Baby-Loving Pets Show Their Affection
Watch this video for guaranteed smiles and happiness!
These Adorable Baby Donkeys Will Warm Your Heart
These photos of incredibly cute baby donkeys will make you realize how adorable and cuddly these farm animals really are!
Family Portraits With Dogs Can Produce Amazing Results
Dogs have a mind of their own and family portraits with them can produce some really interesting results. Take a look.
17 Adorable Pictures of Animals Basking in the Sun
Take a look at this delightful collection of pictures of adorable animals just chilling out in the sun.
These Pets Are Shy But It Makes Them Even More Adorable!
Everyone feels shy and embarrassed sometimes, even animals! These pets may be bashful, but that makes them even more adorable...
These Dogs Clearly Have Problems Dealing With Their Size...
These dogs have some problems dealing with how big they are... and so do their owners!
The Bigger, the CUTER! Meet the Biggest Cats in the World
Would you ever adopt a cat that's just as large as a dog? If so, you might be interested in the world's 10 largest cat breeds
These Lovely Words Moved Me & Made Me Proud to Own a Dog
Dogs are truly lovable creatures and these beautiful words prove it.
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