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Otters Are Such Darlings! 17 Adorable Otter Photos

Without a doubt, otters are some of the cutest, cleverest, and most charming creatures in the animal world! And weโ€™re not just saying that because of their fluffy coats and button noses (although thatโ€™s definitely part of the story). Otters are also very affectionate towards each other. For instance, two otters often swim holding paws, and an otter mom swims embracing her baby and carrying it on her belly. How cute! 

And there are plenty of other adorable behaviors in the otter world which you can read about right here - Everything You Need to Know about Otters. But we heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we compiled a photo collection that showcases otters in all their adorableness, enjoy!

Sleepy otter baby enjoying a snack...

Otters Sleepy otter baby enjoying a snack
Image source: Reddit

To keep a baby otter warm, a zookeeper wrapped it in a sock. When the otter grew a little, the sock was turned into a onesie!

Otters baby otter in a sock
Image source: Reddit

Just a pet otter sleeping with his favorite stuffed otter toy

Otters otter sleeping with stuffed otter
Image source: Reddit

Did anyone say 'dinner'?

Otters hungry otters
Image source: Instagram

"This sneaky little otter stole my keys!"

Otters baby otter keys
Image source: Imgur

Aww, he's showing off his favorite pebble! Fun fact - otters indeed have favorite rocks which they keep in a skin pocket in their bellies and use to crack open clams

Otters showing off his favorite rock
Image source: Reddit

Cool otter boy wearing a baseball cap

Otters Cool otter boy wearing a baseball cap
Image source: Reddit

"He said what? No WAAAY!"

Otters shocked baby otter
Image source: Reddit

A nap without cuddles is no good, even if you're an otter

Otters cuddle nap
Image source: Instagram

You can say that this little fella is "otterly cute"!

Otters otterly cute
Image source: Reddit

This is just too adorable! Especially that little guy in the middle that woke up to see what's up...

Image source: Instagram

All dressed up for the vet

Otters otter in a hat
Image source: Reddit

Aww, look at that curious baby otter!

Otters curious baby otter
Image source: Reddit

Related article: Sea Otters Are Quite Clever!

Otters are such hilarious sleepers!

Otters sleeping with tongue out
Image source: Instagram

Baby otter napping on its mother's belly

Otters Baby otter napping on its mother's belly
Image source: Reddit

Is it even possible to be cuter than this?

Otters sleeping baby otter
Image source: Reddit

"Please take him for a second, I need a little sleep!"

Otters otter mom
Image source: Reddit
H/T: Bored Panda
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