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These Funny Pets Should Star In a Soap Opera

As adorable as they are, pets crave attention. When things don’t go their way, they can be a little dramatic. These cute animals below, for example, could easily star in a soap opera. From a cat that wanted to call 911 after taking a little walk to a dog who couldn't bear taking a bath, these pets can’t control their theatrics. And we can’t stop laughing…

1. When the vet dared to look at his teeth

Image source: Reddit

2. You LOST my favorite toy!!!

DRAMATIC Pets, alsatian
Image source: Reddit

3. Can't... walk...any... more...

DRAMATIC Pets, tired dog
Image source: Reddit

4. When he was told to hush

DRAMATIC Pets, hush
Image source: Reddit

5. “Sometimes, he gets so happy that he gets stuck like this for a minute.”

DRAMATIC Pets, happy
Image source: Reddit

6. Nooo, you have to take me to the fish market, Susan...

DRAMATIC Pets, cat
Image source: Reddit

7. They didn't serve me any food for the past 30 minutes. I think I'll faint...

DRAMATIC Pets, faint
Image source: Reddit

8. Help, I'm stuck!

DRAMATIC Pets, alsatian
Image source: Reddit

9. When it's time to visit the vet

DRAMATIC Pets, vetย 
Image source: Imgur

10. Humph! You said bath time was fun...

DRAMATIC Pets, dog, bathImage source: Imgur

11. And...... scene

Image source: Reddit

12. Stop clicking my pictures, human, and help me out!

DRAMATIC Pets, cat
Image source: Reddit

13. Being adorable is so exhausting

DRAMATIC Pets, adorable
Image source: Reddit

14. Darn it! I wish I had thumbs...

DRAMATIC Pets, cat, tired
Image source: Reddit

15. Wait, whaaaat? He ate my entire lunch?!!!

DRAMATIC Pets, cat
Image source: Reddit
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