An ordinary or even dull day can become ten times brighter if you happen to run into an adorable dog. In case this didn’t happen to you in a while, or you need a quick happiness boost, there is a whole community on Facebook called 'Dogspotting' which is dedicated to funny, quirky, and just plain cute encounters with dogs.
Scroll down to see 20 of the most heartwarming and hilarious dog photos shared in the group - from a canine buddy spotted taking a ride in the train to a couple of excited dogs crashing a wedding photoshoot.
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Related: It’s Never A Bad Time For Hilarious Dog Photos
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Related: Think Dog Group Photos Are Impossible? You Must See This
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Related: Owners Compare Their Dogs to Other Things & It’s Hilarious!
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Image Source: Dogspotting Society / Facebook
Share these photos with others to make their day!
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Adorable: The 7 Stages of a Cat Bonding With a Baby
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Cats and Dominos Go Really Well Together...
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Take 5 Minutes to Enjoy These German Shepherd Antics!
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