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These Cute Pets Canโ€™t Take Their Eyes off The Food Plate

As lovable and adorable as they are, pets arenโ€™t exactly shy about their love for food. They can let you know, in no uncertain ways, how hungry they are: from sniffing and staring at a food plate wistfully to putting on the saddest of faces if they are not served. And sometimes that can lead to some rather hilarious situations. 

In these pictures, you will get to meet some cute cats and dogs who were caught staring longingly at food. These charming little animals are clearly famished and would love nothing more than ravenously polishing off that food plate in front of them.

See Also: Nothing is Cuter Than a Pet Begging for Food

1. "I can cuddle later. Right now, I need whatever you are eating..."

 Pets Staring at Food, cuddle
Image source: Acid Cow

2. "So, you thought covering my face with this would be enough to not make me look at that food plate?" 

 Pets Staring at Food, face
Image source: Acid Cow

3. You can almost hear the sound of his lips smacking...

 Pets Staring at Food, drool
Image source: Acid Cow

4. "Oh, man. I wish I hadn't just eaten. Those look heavenly!"

 Pets Staring at Food, delicious
Image source: Acid Cow

5. "Um, are you not even offering me a single bite?"

 Pets Staring at Food, bite
Image source: Acid Cow

6. That face you make when you were promised a whole pizza but were offered just a slice and a half...

 Pets Staring at Food, pizza
Image source: Acid Cow

7. "Yeah, yeah! Happy birthday to me... Now, can I have the cake, please?"

 Pets Staring at Food, cake
Image source: Acid Cow

8. When you can't focus on anything else but that tiny morsel of food in front of you.

 Pets Staring at Food, dog staring at plate
Image source: Acid Cow

9. "If only I could jump that high!"

 Pets Staring at Food, jump
Image source: Acid Cow

10. "Will you all stop pestering me and let me have my cake?"

 Pets Staring at Food, cake
Image source: Acid Cow

11. When you are too lazy but can't stop thinking about eating.

 Pets Staring at Food, lazy
Image source: Acid Cow

12. "Juice? But we were promised eggnog for Christmas!"

 Pets Staring at Food, juice
Image source: Acid Cow

13. "Should I go for the plate now? Or wait until he leaves?"

 Pets Staring at Food, yummy
Image source: Acid Cow

14. "This is excruciating! When will our turn come?"

 Pets Staring at Food, waiting
Image source: Acid Cow

15. "You are the one on a diet. Not me. Stop offering me these vegetables!"

 Pets Staring at Food, salad
Image source: Acid Cow

16. That longing look can melt anyone's heart!

 Pets Staring at Food, longing look
Image source: Acid Cow

17. "Ah... Bring it closer. I can almost taste it now."

 Pets Staring at Food, muffin
Image source: Acid Cow

18. "What is it? I can smell Spaghetti. Please, tell me it's Spaghetti."

 Pets Staring at Food, Chinese food
Image source: Acid Cow

19. "So... Can I have my Christmas dinner early?"

 Pets Staring at Food, Christmas dinner
Image source: Acid Cow

20. "The question is... Who's going to open the can and pour me the drink?"

 Pets Staring at Food, can
Image source: Acid Cow
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