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19 Cats and Dogs That’ll Make You Smile

Anyone who has a pet already knows that no matter how our day has gone there will always be a small furry creature happy to give us love when we get home. It warms the heart every time, but beyond these moments of warmth, there are also moments when our pets even make us laugh out loud, when they behave strangely, or simply in such sweet moments that can’t possibly be described in words. Whether you're having a bad or are bothered by worries, let these 19 cats and dogs wipe out all the troubles!

1. After an exaggerated attempt to avoid touching the bathroom floor, he finally managed to have a drink of water.

2. "Just because you are sitting so nicely, we’ll skip the vet.”

3. Instead of the cat curling up with you in your bed, would you like to curl up with it in its bed?

4. It seems that someone accidentally took a selfie with their nose!

5. No one touch my pizza! I’m saving it for later…

6. Can you believe this cute puppy will grow up to be a tough police dog?

cats and dogs

7. Those who say that cats don’t grow on trees are right - they grow in pots!

cats and dogs

8. How can you not fall in love with that face?

cats and dogs

9. Stretching our legs before yoga.

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10. There isn’t a soul on earth who wouldn’t want this table accessory.

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11. This veterinarian was surprised to find that this puppy’s "heart" was actually in his small nose.

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12. "Beware of Dog" - yeah right...

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13. This frightened look is familiar to anyone who uses a vacuum cleaner near cats.

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14. “Meet my baby…”

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15. This dog is more beautiful than most people we know.

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16. How can one remain indifferent when such a tiny creature takes a nap right on your heart?

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17. "Maybe instead of taking pictures help me?"

cats and dogs

18. The cone is much less annoying when there is a friend beside you to help you get through the tough times.

cats and dogs

19. Family pictures are the best…

cats and dogs
image source: Brightside
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