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Hilarious Photographs of Cats Unleashing Their Weirdness

Cats are creatures of class and dignity. They raise their heads high as they walk, moving and living with absolute grace, poise, and majesty... Ha! Just kidding. While cats certainly do enjoy their graceful moments, any cat parent knows that these goofy furballs often have a difficult time just figuring out which direction to walk in. You can leave them alone for two minutes and come back to find their bowls resting neatly on their heads, with food pellets rolling across the floor. Some owners have come home to catch their cats in the midst of the oddest, strangest acts. They decided to share these photos and a question shared by all cat owners..... What the heck is wrong with my cat today?

1. “I don’t know how this happened… But I am becoming one with the couch.”

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, kitten trapped in a sofa


2. “Is this not how one hydrates oneself?” 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat drinking from sink upside down


3. How was the ham so precisely placed? 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, black cat in a corner with a piece of ham on it


4. Her curiosity will disappear when she discovers those knobs turn. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat balancing on the knobs of a bathtub


5. “It seemed like a good idea at first.” 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, black and white cat in a plastic bag hanging on a door handle


6. “Oh, you said I was a cat… With a ‘c’. My mistake!” 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat hanging upside down in a bathroom


7. He didn’t want to pick any one tree to climb. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat hands carefully between two trees with paws on both trees


8. When your cat wedges its face in a roll of duct tape 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat with its face stuck in a roll of blue duct tape


9. The little guy thinks he’s James Bond 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, black cat hanging upside down on a string


10. He’s trying to evolve 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, orange cat standing on two legs on a kitchen counter


11. Another good idea gone wrong? 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat trapped in a plastic package of water bottles


12. I think he’s training to be a gymnast 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat lying down with its limbs in different places


13. My cat goes full starfish when he eats 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat lying with its legs fully flat as it eats


14. Yet another cat emulating and emoji 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat making a face with its tongue sticking out


15. “It’s fine, mom. I’ll land on my feet.” 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat hanging from the top of a door


16. Turning a scratching post into a stretching post. Genius. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat stretching across the top of a scratching poat


17. Nailed it. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat stuck in an automatic feeder


18. She quickly regretted her decision to escape. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, Cat outside a window begging to enter after leaving the house


19. Rainbow cat. Colorful but not too bright. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat with a rainbow slinky stuck on its head


20. I feel bad for him, but that expression is golden. 

Hilarious and funny photos of broken cats caught in weird and odd positions, cat stuck outside a window with his tail caught inside


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