Cats are creatures of class and dignity. They raise their heads high as they walk, moving and living with absolute grace, poise, and majesty... Ha! Just kidding. While cats certainly do enjoy their graceful moments, any cat parent knows that these goofy furballs often have a difficult time just figuring out which direction to walk in. You can leave them alone for two minutes and come back to find their bowls resting neatly on their heads, with food pellets rolling across the floor. Some owners have come home to catch their cats in the midst of the oddest, strangest acts. They decided to share these photos and a question shared by all cat owners..... What the heck is wrong with my cat today?
Share these funny feline moments with anyone in need of a laugh!
We Could Learn a Thing or Two From These Clever Costumes
These furry friends are all decked out in their best ensembles, with outfits that will put you to shame, and make you coo!
WATCH: Do Cats REALLY Get Attached to Their Owners?
From all the different types of animals that are kept as pets, cats are among the most aloof. So, do they miss their owners after all? Find out in this video.
ABCs of Cows: A For Adorable, B For Bovine, C For Cute!
While cows may not seem like the cutest creatures at first glance, these photographs shows us their cuddly and adorable side.
Get Ready For Some Unusually LARGE Pets
If you think your cat or dog did a lot of growing since you first adopted them, wait till you see these extra-large (and extra cute) pets!
How Are Animals Always Equal Parts Hilarious and Adorable?
Animals do some really funny things at time, and somehow still manage to steal your heart, like the critters in these 20 adorable photos
Whoa! Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown by Super Smart Cats
Training a cat may be the toughest job in the world, but this video proves that doing it can unleash your cats’ hidden talents!
That Priceless Look When a Cat Knows it's at the Vet...
If you want to know how cats feel when they are down to see the vet, these pictures show you it's just like when you have to see the doctor!
14 Cute & Funny Vintage Photos of People and Their Pets
These cute pet photos from the past century warmed our hearts.
These Cute Baby Animals Will Warm Your Heart
There is nothing cuter than a baby animal. These photos will bring a smile to your face.
Need a Smile? Try Dachshunds and Their Feathery Friends!
These little sausage dogs have found some tiny, feathered friends and now have a great time together. Let's have a look.
Cute Alert - 15 Animals That Will Warm Your Soul!
From red pandas to baby rabbits and sea otters, all these adorable bundles of joy showed up here to brighten your day!
We May Be Miles Apart But You Are in My Thoughts
Wish someone you love well and let them know that they are in your thoughts with these cute greeting cards.
Warning! These Funny Photos Will Make You Want a Husky!
These hilarious photos prove why huskies are the best dogs!
16 Adorable Photos of Children and Their Beloved Pets
These 16 photos are the best proof that all children should have a pet. Watch them frolic, sleep, eat and play together in these adorable pictures.
Adorable: These Cats Are So In Love!
These two munchkin cats are very much in love.
I've Never Seen a Cockatiel Sing Like This. I'm Amazed!
I knew cockatiels can talk, but I never knew that some of their community are THIS talented!
Have You Ever Seen a Baby Pangolin? They're the Cutest!
This compilation of videos is all about wild baby animals and their human (and canine!) caretakers...
These Fluffy Puppies Are Too Adorable for Words
Thirty adorable puppies that you are so cute you'll want to stroke them all day long.
These Sassy Raccoons Are Sure to Lift Your Spirits
Watching these sassy raccoons without cracking a smile is impossible.
Funny & Cute: When Dogs Realize They're Going to the Vet...
When dogs realize they are going to the vet, hilarity ensues.
There's One Type of Dog that Always Makes Me Laugh...
This adorable compilation of the famous sausage dogs will make you melt. Enjoy this video compilation of one of the cutest and funniest dog types having fun with people!
If Having One Dog Is Fun, What's It Like Having a Bunch?
These 20 photos reveal just what life is like for those people who have decided that one dog definitely isn't enough!
Birds vs. Cats: An Adorable and Funny Video!
Watch this awesome compilation of adorable and funny birds vs. cats moments for a happier day, full of smiles.
Some Birds Will Nest Just About Anywhere!
Birds are clever creatures, and when it comes to nesting, you won't believe some of the places they choose!
A Modern-Day Noah: Caring for Creatures Great and Small
Watch the amazing story of a woman who takes care of more than 70 animals at a sanctuary.
Watch MARUMI the Red Panda Grow and Play!
In this video we get the absolute pleasure of making the aquaintance of Marumi, a beautiful and joyful little bundle of fur.
15 Times That Cats Did Their Best to Ruin Someone's Pics!
They say that modern humans love to take a selfie, but perhaps it's not just about our species - look at these 15 hilarious photobombing cats!
Heartwarming: When a Blind Cat Gets Adopted
This is the story of Rudy, who has no eyes but functions just fine in the world without them.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
The Story of this Dog and Fox Will Melt Your Heart
Usually, dogs and foxes tend to be enemies, but when this dog met a tiny kit, something miraculous happened...
Brighten Up Your Day with These 14 Cute Animals!
The following 14 cute animals will make you smile no matter what day you've had, and you can share them friends so that they too have a reason to smile today.
17 Dogs Who Will Surprise You With Their Resourcefulness
Take a look at some of these dogs who went out of their way to help their human friends.
Adorable: The 7 Stages of a Cat Bonding With a Baby
A wonderful video that is sure to make you smile as you watch a cat slowly bond with the new tiny human in its life.
These Inter-Species Friendships Melted My Heart...
Watching these animals from different worlds become fast friends makes me feel so happy!
A Friendship This Adorable Has Never Before Been Seen!
There are many odd friendships between different types of animals, but this tiny dog and even tinier birds have formed the best one.
These Cats LOVE Their Owners So Much....
Don't believe those who say cats don't show affection. Just show them this video and they'll never make that claim again.
These Cats Are Extra Big and Extra Loving!
Cats may be considered small domestic animals, in general, but the floofs we’re about to share with you are anything but small.
Here Are 20 of the Goofiest Cats You'll Ever See!
These 20 photos are proof that cats can be just as goofy as any human out there!
These Cute Animals Just Wanted to Put a Smile on Your Face
These adorable and funny animal pictures are here to put a beautiful smile on your face in a blink of an eye!
Some Things Only a Cat Owner Will Understand...
The rules of living with a cat every cat owner knows, dreads and even loves!
Then & Now: 15 Cute Photos of Dogs When They Were Puppies
These adorable photos prove that puppies grow up WAY too fast!
Lions are Just Big Kitty Cats Deep Down!
Lambert is a rescued lion that likes rolling in his blanket! How cute!
These Silly Dogs are Getting Stuck All Over the Place!
These dogs are a bit silly. They just keep getting stuck whenever they pop their head where they know they shouldn't. Be prepared. You may laugh a lot!
There Is Much We Can Learn from Our Canine Companions
Why do we spend so much time listening to each other, when those who really know about life, are right there next to us: our dogs?
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
If Your Cat Could Talk, Here are 11 Things It Would Tell You
Cats are mysterious creatures. Here are 11 things they're trying to tell you through their behavior.
Getting Along Like...Cats and Dogs?
While conventional wisdom states that cats and dogs were born natural enemies, this isn't always the case.
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