-Robert Brault
20 Profound Mencius Quotes About Life and Morality
You'll find these Mencius quotes thought-provoking and insightful.
16 Powerful Quotes That Capture the Essence of Karma
These karma quotes offer deep life insights.
Yes, You Really Do Lead a Blessed, Rich, and Lucky Life
To take a moment to step back and consider the wonderful things life bestows will do you the world of good. Here's your chance.
30 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius - The Philosopher King
Marcus Aurelius best known for his stoic philosophy personal writings 'Meditations' - a collection of 12 short books about Self-discipline, guidance, motivation, and self-improvement. 30 beautiful quotes by Marcus Aurelius still relevant today.
Remember Queen Elizabeth II by Her Powerful Words
Queen Elizabeth II was known for her words of wisdom. Let’s look back at some of her most inspirational quotes.
These Deep Quotes Will Make You Pause and Think
Read these wise quotes for some inspiration!
Erma Bombeck: "If I Had My Life to Live Again..."
When writer Erma Bombeck discovered she didn't have long left to live, she composed this searingly personal but beautiful message I think we can all learn from.
16 Things You Need to Say Goodbye To As You End the Year
Here are a few things you may need to forget as we welcome a new beginning.
Timeless Wisdom: 15 Brilliant Quotes From Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei thought-provoking quotes continue to inspire us today.
The Little Gardener: A Story to Move Your Spirit
This touching tale of a dedicated little gardener who perseveres against all odds, with charming illustrations and inspiring words, is definitely worth reading.
These 10 Qualities are What Great Spouses are Made of!
Every great spouse has these 10 qualities shining through.
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
I've Never Been So Touched by Such Fine Quotes Before
Certain sentences have the power to shock us with their beauty and undeniable truth, here are 8 such sentences, spoken by some very famous people.
GUIDE: Getting Unwanted Advice? This is What You Should Do
Getting a lot of annoying, unwanted advice? There are ways to put that to an end, politely.
How to Argue Effectively Without Losing Relationships
An argument with a friend or family member can turn unpleasant rather quickly. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
The Great Female Quotes No One Ever Told You About
Most collections of quotations are drawn from celebrated 'men' of letters. But what about the wisest women of our age? Here are some enlightening quotes.
20 Thoughtful Quotes by the Great Science Minds Of History
These famous quotes by the great science minds of history will inspire you.
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
Learn How to Cope With Erikson's 8 Stages of Life
Looking at Erikson's 8 conflicts of life and its relation to our modern life.
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
These Alexander the Great Quotes Give Several Life Lessons
These famous Alexander the Great quotes will make you think.
The Gem Knows: Pick a Gem and We'll Tell You Why You Did!
You may be surprised what your pick of gems says about who you are.
I Became Happier As Soon As I Put This into Practice...
Everyone knows that happiness is a most beautiful thing. But how are we supposed to go about achieving it? Here are 10 happiness rules.
12 Life-Ruining Thoughts We Must Banish Now
You may recognize some of these toxic thoughts, we all have them. This is how to get rid of them.
These Words on Being Kind Will Bring a Tear to Your Eye
Every now and then, when things get tough, take a deep breath and read these quotes to remind yourself of all the kindness in the world.
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
Learn to Be as Happy as Your Dog with this Great Advice
Dogs live their life so simply. And as a result they tend to be happy all the time. Perhaps we should all follow this exceptional advice from a dog.
An Eternal Life – The Story of a Loving Grandson
The grandfather in this story is certain that his last day is nearing, but his grandson shows him that there's a way to live an eternal life....
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
You Won’t Believe How Body and Mind Change Every 7 Years!
Philosopher Rudolf Steiner divided life into seven-year stages, and his conclusions about each stage can tell you a lot about our past and future.
Wishing You a Happy & Prosperous NEW YEAR!
Wish the important people in your life a Happy New Year by sending them one of these greeting cards.
Inspiring! Change the World by Making Your Bed
We are sure you will be motivated after listening to what this man has to say!
In Search of Happiness? Keep These Tips in Mind
What stops you from living a happy life? Find out here.
10 Quotes from Carl Jung That’ll Change Your Life
Carl Jung has had a huge impact on many fields, especially psychology, and behavioral science - these quotes will definitely affect you too.
How You Choose to Live at Present Will Affect Your Future...
These inspiring quotes will make you realize just how important the choices you make each day truly are.
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
The Truth about the 8 Most Common Relationship Myths
Relationships aren't as easy as everyone likes to make out. They require a lot of work and patience. Here are 8 truths that'll make yours more fulfilling.
Regrets in Life Arise When We Ignore These 7 Vital Things
How can you change your perspective and mindset to enhance our experience of life for the better? Find out here.
I Read These Words to Uplift Myself...
May these beautiful words remind you how precious life truly is.
10 Things You'll Regret in 10 Years' Time
From the stories and experiences of countless people, we can already know what you might regret in less than 10 years, and you can avoid it if you just know these common regrets and make the right choices today.
Please Don't Forget These Important Reminders in Life...
We should always remember the most important things in life, and we should always share them with the ones we love.
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
I Am Sending You These Inspiring Words! Stay Strong!
May these inspiring words get you through the tough times.
The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
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