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25 Acts of Kindness That Really Deserve to Be Applauded

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (also known as COVID-19), has many people worrying and keeping to their homes. Numerous efforts are being taken around the world to contain this virus, and, thanks to global efforts, the public is able to remain updated. However, as news pours in of this disease's progress, it’s difficult to stay calm and composed. Positive moments and acts of pure kindness can truly go a long way in reminding us all that kindness can help cure anything! These 25 kind deeds will warm your heart and keep you smiling even in worrisome times. 

1. This shop in Cornwall, U.K, was one of the first to offer seniors a separate early morning shopping session  

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This shop in Cornwall, U.K, was one of the first to offer seniors a separate early morning shopping session



2. This fitness trainer in Spain still makes sure his clients and neighbors get their daily workout during a COVID-19 lockdown

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This fitness trainer in Spain still makes sure his clients and neighbors get their daily workout during a COVID-19 lockdown 



3. Disneyland will be donating all excess food to a food bank for the period of its temporary closure. Walt Disney World followed suit soon after

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,Disneyland, for the period of its temporary closure, will be donating all excess food to a food bank. Walt Disney World followed suit soon after



4. This girl saw a man at the store with only a few canned foods and alcohol and purchased groceries for him

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This girl saw a man at the store with only few canned foods and alcohol, and purchased groceries for him



5. These kids put on a cello concert to entertain this elderly lady that was quarantined due to the coronavirus


6. These elementary school kids decided to have a digital graduation ceremony on Minecraft so that they could still celebrate while at home

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,These elementary school kids decided to have a digital graduation ceremony on Minecraft so they could still celebrate while at home



7. This table was set up by the locals of a town to help people low on supplies

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This table was set up by the locals of a town to help people low on supplies



8. A subscriber to a newspaper in Seattle sent the hard-working staff pizzas after they had spent a long week covering the spread of the coronavirus in their state

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,A subscriber to a newspaper in Seattle sent the hard-working staff pizzas after they had spent a long week covering the spread of the coronavirus in their state



9. This woman in Falmouth, Massachusetts, created a postcard that people could share within their community so isolated people could ask for help from those willing

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This woman in Falmouth, Massachusetts, created a post card that people could share within their community so isolated people could ask for help from those willing



10. This friendly neighbor is making soaps for people in the building to pick up from the laundry room

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This friendly neighbor is making soaps for people in the building to pick up from the laundry room 



11. A local business in Italy bought a 3-D printer for a hospital that ran out of ICU valves, redesigned to produce valves within hours

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,A local business in Italy bought a 3-D printer for a hospital that ran out of ICU valces, redesigned to produce valves within hours



12. Quarantine doesn’t need to stop him from speaking to his dad. Love will always find a way

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,A quarantine doesn’t need to stop him from speaking to his dad. Love will always find a way 



13. This woman, in light of schools being closed, made carefully packed lunches for kids that needed it

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This woman, in light of schools being closed, made carefully packed lunches for kids that needed it



14. This couple that own a small shop in Scotland gave out free masks and hand sanitizer to elderly people

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This couple that own a small shop in Scotland masks and alcohol gel free to elderly people



15. This single struggling mom was touched to find a bag of toilet paper rolls on her front door and a kind note from her neighbor

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This single struggling mom was touched to find a bag of toilet paper roll on her front door and a kind note from her neighbor 



16. This family in Pennsylvania is giving away free toilet paper to anyone who needs it

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This family in Pennsylvania is giving away free toilet paper to anyone who needs it



17. One good Samaritan has taped bottles of hand sanitizer in various public places

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,One good Samaritan has taped bottles of hand sanitizers in various public places



18. This neighborhood turned their little free library into a little free food pantry

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This neighborhood turned their little free library into a little free food pantry 



19. This shop offers masks and hand sanitizers for free to the elderly

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This shop offers masks and hand sanitizers for free to the elderly 



20. This young lady wanted to share her engagement news with her grandfather, regardless of the coronavirus

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This young lady wanted to share her engagement news with her grandfather, regardless of the coronavirus



21. A small shop in Edinburgh is packing, delivering and giving away  these coronavirus kits to people above 65

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,A small shop in Edinburgh is packing, delivering and giving away for free these coronavirus kits to people above 65



22. These people are on the front lines fighting the virus, and they are proud to be in the white coats

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,These people on the front lines fighting the virus are proud to be in the white coats



23. This young lady has a kind offer for the older people in her building, trying to steer clear of the virus

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This young lady has a kind offer for the older people in her buildings, trying to steer clear of the virus



24. This sweet 11 year old sent his father’s co-worker a funny but still helpful Coronavirus Survival Kit

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,This sweet 11 year old sent his father’s co-worker a funny but still helpful Coronavirus Survival Kit 



25. Fossil, a well known American watch and leather company, shut its doors for two weeks and made sure their employees knew they would be taken care of in that time

Heroes, positive moments and acts of kindness found all over the world in the midst of the Coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and self-isolation,Fossil, well known American watch and leather company, shut its doors for two weeks and made sure their employees knew they would be taken care of in that time


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