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9 Items You Should Never Store In Your Garage

Although we t ypically tend to store items such as the ones below inside our garages, you’ll be surprised to know that you really shouldn’t, because doing so can be downright dangerous. Here are 9 items you should never store in your garage:
1. Paint
Think twice about leaving unused paint cans in your garage if you want the color to keep well. Extreme temperature changes can actually ruin it, and leaving cans on a cement surface (if your garage has a cement floor) can actually cause the cans to rust much faster. Store them in a temperature-controlled room instead, preferably on shelves.
2. Seasonal clothing
Seasonal clothing such as wool jackets, boots and scarves should be stored in airtight containers indoors. This is because fumes and superfine dust from your car will work its way into the containers, making your clothes smell awful. What’s more is that the fabric is vulnerable to insects and vermin.
3. Spare refrigerators
Due to the variations in temperature that can arise in your garage, it’s not really a good idea to leave a spare refrigerator running in there. They work best between 67 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, so summer temperatures can make them work harder. Refrigerators also work less efficiently at temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and won’t even run at temperatures below 30 degree Fahrenheit. If you really must have an extra refrigerator, keep it in the basement instead.
4. Canned food
Despite their air of invincibility, canned foods will quickly spoil in a garage that frequently reaches more than 70 degrees in temperature. Keep all of your canned foods indoors. Take it as an excuse to clean out your packed pantry and revamp it with new shelving to keep everything fresh and organized.
5. Electronics
Similar to many of the items listed above, electronics can become damaged when exposed to temperature extremes. You should only store electronics such as DVD players, stereos and televisions in your garage if it’s well-ventilated and humidity-free. A shelf in a closet or a dry basement are much better places to store electronics.
6. Propane tanks
You should never allow propane tanks to cross through a doorway into your home, let alone store them in your garage. There’s always a risk that the propane might leak into an enclosed, unventilated area, meaning that something as simple as starting your car risks igniting a fire. Keep propane tanks outside, and make sure they’re screwed tightly shut.
7. Pet food and birdseed
If you have a four-legged or feathered friend that needs feeding, then you’ll inevitably have either pet food or birdseed to store. Your garage isn’t a good place for these items because they can attract unwanted pests.
8. Old furniture
Couch cushions make fantastic nests for rodents, and wooden tables and chairs can become warped after spending a summer in the heat and humidity. Donate any furniture you can’t use, or else store them in your attic or basement if you have room to do so.  
9. Wine
Wine storage is a delicate process that should never involve a garage. It should always be stored at temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Too much heat will alter its taste once you uncork it. What’s more is that temperature fluctuations can cause corks to expand and contract, allowing air to seep inside the bottle making the wine go bad.
Images by Deposit Photos.  
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