Did you know that ChapStick can do a lot more than heal dry lips? But, believe it or not, the very product that you’re carrying in your purse right now can be used on shoes, clothing, and even household items, too.
Below you’ll find 12 completely unexpected things that a trusty tube of lip balm can do:
A simple dab of lip balm can seriously decrease the healing time of small abrasions and lesions.
2. Tames Messy Brows
Why spend money on pricey cosmetics when just a simple swipe of ChapStick can make your brows look like a million dollars?
3. Keeps Tools from Rusting
Coating your tools’ edges with some lip balm before putting them away will help to keep them well lubricated and rust-free.
4. Fixes Sticky Light Sockets
Old light fixtures are well-known for having stubborn sockets, making it difficult to screw in a new bulb when the old one dies out. To loosen the area up, just apply a small amount of ChapStick with a cotton ball – once complete, the bulb should be a breeze to install.
A stuck or stubborn zipper doesn’t mean you need to buy new clothes. All you need to do is slap on a bit of your favorite lip balm and gently pull until the zip opens. This might take a couple of attempts, but be patient, it’s an on-the-go trick that almost always works like a charm.
6. Wards Off Pesky Rodents
Any gardener will tell you that dabbing some petroleum jelly onto metal birdhouses, mailboxes, and other garden accessories is the easiest way to keep pesky critters, such as squirrels, at bay. If you don’t have a jar of Vaseline, ChapStick works just as well.
7. Acts as Emergency Sun Protection
Forgot to pack some sunscreen on a bright day? If so, grab a tube of lip balm, preferably with an SPF, and add a generous amount to your face and other vulnerable areas. This isn’t meant to be a replacement for sunscreen, but it will protect you for a short while if you’re in a pinch.
8. Hides Cash
Planning a trip to the beach, but not sure where to put your money when you go for a refreshing swim? Simply place the money in a hollowed-out ChapStick tube and leave it with your other belongings on the sand.
With hot weather comes swelling and, with swelling, comes stuck jewelry. If you happen to find yourself with an uncomfortable stuck ring, apply a liberal amount of lip balm to the area until the jewelry gently slides off.
10. Prevents Blisters
There’s nothing worse than splurging out on a pair of great shoes only to find out after you wear them that the backs dig into your heels. To ease the pain and prevent blisters, add ChapStick to the affected area before sliding the shoes on.
11. Soothes Itchy Bug Bites
Since mosquitoes are pretty much inevitable during the summer months, always keep some lip balm on-hand to ease the itch. A few dabs of the medicated variety works best.
12. Remove Scratches From CDs and DVDs
Applying several layers of ChapStick in a circular motion to a scratched CD or DVD, before wiping it off. This will help the disc play like new again.
Source: tiphero
Images: depositphotos
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