We bet that we can predict what your mornings look like – you wake up to a generic sounding alarm clock, you reluctantly get out of bed, get dressed, grab something quick to eat for breakfast, brush your teeth, and leave the house still rubbing your eyes and yawning.
How do we know this? Because we all do it – it’s the only way we know how (if you’re not one of us traditionalists, we salute you!)
However, there are so many better ways to start your day than by following the usual routine. Yes, you can exercise, read, meditate, or journal, but you can also get a little crazy and try any of these 10 other unique strategies to having a better morning.
While you cannot possibly incorporate all 10, you can start with one or two.
For those people in a hurry, take seven minutes to think, breathe, doodle, and make a plan. Even this small amount of time can help to create a positive mindset for the rest of the day.
2. Exercise for 10 Minutes
Some quick exercise in the morning will help to increase your mental processing speed – and you don’t have to do any heavy-lifting or five-mile sprints. For example, you can take a quick walk around the block, do some yoga, or a few rounds of push-ups.
3. Take a Shower
Only like to shower at night? You might want to reconsider that! Jumping in the shower has a way of shocking your system and getting your circulation going. If you can’t get yourself into the shower, then you should at least thoroughly scrub your face in the sink with cold water. This way, you’ll look and feel more awake than you would if you simply roll out of bed and leave the house.
You’d be very surprised how much your cup of coffee can brighten your morning – and I’m not talking about the caffeine part. Spruce up your routine with something that’ll make you smile, laugh, or entertain you while you sleep.
5. Stay in Bed Longer
For many of us, the hardest part about waking up and getting out of bed is the getting out of bed part. So don't! Winston Churchill used to spend the first three to four hours of each day working from bed, reading stacks of mail and dictating responses to his secretaries. While it’s highly unlikely that you’ll have three to four hours to spare in bed, you can still treat yourself to 10-15 minutes.
6. Play Some Soothing Ambiance
Ambient noise has been proven to increase creativity and productivity, so you should consider turning on the sounds of a coffee shop or a cozy rainy day to set your mood.
There’s no better way to stimulate your mind in the morning than listening to some great music.
8. Do the Dishes
Rolling up your sleeves and washing the dirty dishes from last night’s dinner might be the very last thing you want to do in the morning, but a recent study has shown that mindfully cleaning dishes – in other words, staying in the moment while scrubbing away – reduced anxiety and made the study subjects feel more inspired.
9. Check the News (Quickly)
Open up your phone and have a quick skim through your favorite news portals. This will help to stimulate your mind for the day ahead.
10. Keep Your Blinds Open
Sunlight is the best way to naturally wake your body up – so don’t hide away from it. It’s difficult to go from pitch black to bright light, so make it easier on yourself by keeping your blinds somewhat open.
Source: themuse
Images: depositphotos
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