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15 Beautiful Photos & Interesting Facts About Eagles

Few birds can compare to the mighty eagle. It is the national animal of the USA, symbolizing power, courage and freedom. This bird is unique and without a doubt, incredible. To show you just how amazing eagles are, we've compiled a list of 15 interesting facts about eagles, coupled with some truly stunning images. 
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Eagles are birds of prey in the family Accipitridae. There are approximately 60 different species.
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Most species are found in Eurasia and Africa, with only 14 species found in other areas including North, Central and South America, as well as Australia.
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Eagles are at the top of the food chain - some species feed on big prey like monkeys and sloths.
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Eagles have amazing eyesight and can detect prey up to two miles away. In fact, an eagle's vision is 4 to 5 times better than that of a human.
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Their eyes are also angled 30 degrees away from the center of the face, giving them a greater field of view. 
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While humans can see three basic colors, eagles are able to see five and can detect UV light.
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Eagles are monogamous and generally mate for life.
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The number of eggs laid will depend upon species, but many eagles lay between one to three eggs. It is possible that they lay four eggs, though this is rare.
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The Bald Eagle is the beloved of North Americans everywhere. But since the 18th century, this species has declined rapidly, as humans continue to invade its home. By 1967 it was put on the endangered list. 
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After being marked as a protected bird, the Bald Eagle saw its numbers rise in 2007.
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Eagles do not necessarily migrate. They can stay in the place they were born for their whole lives and will move only if food levels and temperatures become inhospitable in winter. 
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Eagle parents are very protective of their chicks. One of their parents will always be around guarding the nest. 
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Chicks grow incredibly fast and will weigh 8 or 9 pounds at six weeks old
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In most eagle species, females are larger and stronger than males.
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Eagles have a specialized mechanism in their feet that allows them to sleep while sitting on a branch. 
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