Not only are the two ingredients cheap to buy, but they’re also non-toxic, meaning that it will not kill any plants that are growing around your deck. Furthermore, you already have one of these ingredients at home, while the other one can be picked up for next to nothing at most stores.
Here are the ingredients that you will need:
• ½ cup of Oxi-Clean
• 2 gallons of warm water (depends on deck size)
N.B. Oxi-Clean is an oxygen bleach which uses oxygen ions to break apart grime, meaning that no harmful chemicals are involved at all.
1. Soak your entire deck with warm water, wetting 20 square feet at a time so that the deck doesn’t dry up completely before the next step.
2. Apply the Oxi-Clean to the wood and scrub well with a deck brush.
3. Let the solution sit there for a few minutes after scrubbing, and then wash it all away with some more warm water. It really is that easy.
When it has completely dried, you should find yourself with an extremely clean deck.
Source: tiphero
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