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The Inner-You Psychological Test

This psycho-dynamic test has been done for quite a few decades, and is surprisingly revealing about our inner subconscious desires, fears, and loves. To perform this test correctly, you'll need to use your imagination. If you need to, close your eyes between the parts of the test and imagine the scenario as best and in the most vivid way you can. The best way to do this is write down your answers so you don't forget them.
The Forest
quiz, psychological, test

Imagine you are suddenly walking in a forest. You're on a path that winds its way through the trees.

Question 1: Look at the trees, are they organized in a pattern or are they just spread around without any patterns, just in chaotic form?

Question 2: Is it nighttime or daytime?

Question 3: Is the path wide, narrow, well traveled or hardly seen?

You continue to walk on the path when you suddenly see a key lying on the ground.

Question 4: What does the key look like? Old or new, big or small? What do you think it unlocks?

Question 5: Do you pick up the key or leave it there?

You continue to walk along the path when suddenly you see a bear approaching. Freeze the image in your mind and look at it.

Question 6: Is the bear menacing or friendly? Does it scare you?

Question 7: How big is the bear?

quiz, psychological, test

The bear vanishes into the woods, and you continue on your path. Suddenly you see an urn standing in the middle of the path.

Question 8: Describe the urn. What is it made of?

Question 9: As you approach the urn, is there something inside of it? What is it?

You pass the urn and the path continues for a few moments, ending at a house. 

Question 10: What kind of house is it? Big or small?

From inside the house, you hear a man raving. He sounds deranged. And he keeps screaming for you to unlock the door and let him out. He sounds quite insane but he pleads with you to open the door.

Question 11: Do you open the door for this man?

Suddenly, everything becomes white. You are no longer on the path, you are no longer anywhere. Everything is white around you and featureless, you don't know where you are. If you walk, nothing changes. You shout, but no one hears. Everything is the same no matter what you do or for how long you do it.

Question 12: What do you do? Do you give up and stay in the same place? Do you continue exploring and try to find ways out, although nothing succeeds? How long do you keep trying if there are no results and nothing changes?

Congratulations! You've finished your psychological test. Now, here are the possible explanations for your answers. Hope you learn something about yourself!



The Forest

quiz, psychological, test

The forest represents your inner world, connected to both your past as a child and to your present as an adult. 

Question 1: If the trees were organized, then so are you. You crave order and logic in yourself, even if you don't always get it. A haphazard pattern of trees could indicate that these things are less important to you and you are more concerned with the essence of things rather than how they are presented. 

Question 2: As the forest also represents your childhood, the choice between light and dark may indicate how you perceive that period in your life, either in a negative or positive light. It may also indicate your present situation of optimism vs. pessimism. A sun-lit forest may indicate you are in a positive place or see your childhood in a positive light. Darkness may mean you currently experience a lot of fear or view your childhood in a darker, more frightening way.

Question 3: The path is very simply that path you're following. A wide, clear path indicates certainty in what you are doing and where you are going. You have plans and they are clear to you. A narrow, rarely traveled or dark path may indicate hesitation, fear of the future and the unknown, or just a preference for not knowing what the future holds, enjoying the surprise.

The Key
quiz, psychological, test

The key represents your desires, whether work-related or personal. It represents a promise or a threat, something unknown that could be either the gateway to your dreams or opens something you'd rather remain locked.

Question 4: The age of the key may indicate how old this dream of yours is. An ornamental key may hint at opening up treasures and unknown goods that you covet. An ancient key may indicate that you long for something surprising, some treasure to change your life. The larger the key, the more you wish from it and hope it will bring you. Smaller keys may mean smaller unfulfilled desires or more practical goals. Modern keys may indicate your desires are relatively new, from recent years.

Question 5: Your choice of taking the key with you or leaving it behind tell us if the key represents a desire or a threat to you. If you have things you'd rather stay hidden, a key may be a threat, and you'd leave it there. If your desires are stronger than your fears, you will pick up it and take it with you.

The Bear
quiz, psychological, test

The bear represents your problems and challenges in life. 

Question 6: The more menacing the bear, the more worried you are about life's problems. If the bear is all claws and sharp teeth, if it is running at you crazed with anger and rage, then that is how you may feel about your problems, being attacked by them as they seem invincible and scary, and out to get you.

If the bear is just a bear, walking in the woods, you may feel your problems are not a large threat and can be dealt with. If the bear is friendly, you may feel like you are in control of your problems, and usually come out the victor.

Question 7: The size of the bear is in direct relation to how big you perceive your problems to be. 

The Urn
quiz, psychological, test

The urn is traditionally a symbol of your ancestry. It may represent your parents, grandparents or the connection you feel to the generations that came before you.

Question 8: If the urn is large, this connection to your parents or previous generations looms large in your life, and vice versa if it is small. The material it is made of may indicate how far away you feel from these past generations. An ancient urn may indicate you feel far removed from them, while a newer urn, made from modern materials, may mean they still have relevance in the present.

Question 9: Whatever is in the urn represents what you feel you have in connection with these past generations. Some do not see anything in the urn, which means that although they may appreciate the connection, they do not feel it has much to offer them at present.

Some see water in it, and even drink it, symbolizing that there is still something to be gained from these connections. Water also changes, and so increases the amount of relevance the urn has to you.

Some people see sand, which means that the urn still has relevance, but not much, stagnated and old, it is out of touch with your present situation.  If you see living things in the urn, then the connection is very much relevant, and the type of animal or plant you see (beautiful, threatening, or helpful) will tell you what kind of connection it is.

The House

quiz, psychological, test

The house represents both the unknown and, for some people, the size of their dreams.

Question 10:  A big, fancy house may point to bigger dreams of wealth and prosperity, while a smaller house may point to less desire and of people more willing to take what life gives and make peace with it. 

Question 11: The shrieking madman represents your trust in other human beings. Your decision to open the door indicates you are more willing to help others although they may pose a threat to you. If you decide not to open the door, it means your past experience with other people has taught you caution, and you are not quick to expose yourself to the danger of strangers, nor do you trust them.

The White
quiz, psychological, test

The white where nothing changes represents death. It can also represent the lack of change. 

Question 12: Most people begin by looking around and trying to find a way out. However, some do not and merely accept this situation of no change. Those that accept the new situation are resigned and accept that life will end and death is inevitable. On the other hand, it may just indicate they accept a life without change, and are willing for it to stay that way, content with how it is.

Those that fight, search, explore and will not stop doing so are not ready to accept the concept of death, of the end of change. They want their lives to continue to evolve, and are not ready to think of its ending.

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