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Use Spray Paint to Improve Your Home

When we hear the words โ€œspray paintโ€, the first association is often vandals painting graffiti on public property, but spray paint is so much more than just a way to paint walls. The huge selection of colors and specialized kinds of spray offer us incredible opportunities for home improvements that would otherwise cost us a pretty penny. Here are 18 ideas that will make your next home improvements easy and cheap.

1. Use fabric spray paint to make that dirty old sofa look brand new!

Spray Paint


2. Spraypaint cheap plastic magnets in metallic colors to make them look fancy on your fridge.

Spray Paint


3. Spray old vents to make them look brand new.

Spray Paint


4. I dirty old pair of boots can suddeืžly look like you bought it today.

Spray Paint


5. Cheap plastic garbage cans + terracotta paint = expensive looking planters.

Spray Paint


6. An old rusty tap can look like a new designer one.

Spray Paint


7. Cheap plastic tubs can look like classic tin tubs.

Spray Paint


8. Use PVC pipes to make a beautiful, countinuous curtain rod.

Spray PaintSpray Paint


9. Cheap looking light fixtures suddenly look like designer lighting.

Spray Paint


10. Mirror spray paint turns cheap furniture into expensive-looking works of art.

Spray Paint


11. Use the same spray on plastic or glass balls and create fantastic lawn ornaments.

Spray Paint


12. A good matte spray paint makes cheap plastic outlets look much better.

Spray Paint


13. Make your holiday lights more festive by spray-painting them gold.

Spray Paint


14. Plain rubber mats can be made to look gorgeous!

Spray Paint


15. From cheap wastebasket to fancy gold trashcan!

Spray Paint


16. A cheap shelving unit suddenly looks like a million $.

Spray Paint


17. Spray paint an old dresser instead of buying a new one.

Spray Paint


18. Miror paint, plastic balls and metal rods become a unique garden decoration.

Spray Paint


Spray painting pro-tip:

If you need to pain a knob, screw it into an egg carton so you can paint it all in one go.

Spray Paint
H/T: buzzfeed.com
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