The unwanted presence of roaches in the home can become a frustrating problem that calls for some serious action if it keeps happening. No matter how spotless your house is kept, they can carry on appearing in the most unwanted places - such as the kitchen, or the bathroom - making you feel anxious in your own home. When desperate times call for desperate measures, you'll want to try any possible method to eliminate them and avoid embarrassing yourself in front of guests! You may have been told about several different ways for getting rid of these persistent pests, such as using ground coffee or washing detergent, and even been recommended the best insecticide brand. But do these methods really work?
In reality, not every piece of advice for eliminating roaches is approved. Some methods may be found to be useless and a waste of time and money, while other methods are the equivalent of getting an exterminator. Here's what you should know about the effectiveness of some methods that have been tried and tested.
What doesn't work
Source: What works