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Take a Stroll in 13 Magical Forest Photos

People used to live close to trees and forests, and tramping uninhabited lands was a favorite pastime of many. As we’ve become more urban this experience has become uncommon and the sites of magical forests rare. Come join us for a stroll in a beautiful world free of people and noise.

Follow a Golden Path in the White Carpathians

Mysterious Forests
Image by Janek Sedlar

Tread in a Romanian Moss Swamp

Mysterious Forests
Image by Adrian Borda

A City Stroll Like No Other in Greenwich, London, England

Mysterious Forests
Image by Andy Linden

Forget All Your Worries in Hallerbos in Belgium

Mysterious Forests

Beware the Big Bad Wolf in Haure-Loire, France

Mysterious Forests

Meander the Stanton Moor, Peak District, Northern England

Mysterious Forests
Image by James Mills

Experience a Winter Wonderland, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria

Mysterious Forests
Image by Xiao Yang

Skip a Stone in Otzarreta Forest, Gorbea Natural Park, Spain

Mysterious Forests

Explore a Woodland the Color of Romance in Italy

Mysterious Forests
Image by Leonid Litvac

Hear Trees Talk, Taunus Mountains, Frankfurt, Germany

Mysterious Forests

Get Lost in an Infinite Thicket, Forests of Czech Republic

Take a Stroll in These 13 Magical Forest Photos
Image by Jan Machata

Examine the Snow Etched Trees in the Beskid Mountains

Mysterious Forests
Image by Jan Bainar

See the Woods Glow in Nagoya, Japan

Mysterious Forests
Image by Yume Cyan
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