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Your Kids Will Love These Websites!

Those of us who have young children know how worrying it can be to allow them to use the internet freely. There are mountains of online content that they simply should not be exposed to until they reach maturity, and this is because of the impact that it can have on their young, gullible minds. That's why responsible parenting in this day and age entails teaching our children how to use the internet responsibly.
Here are 8 fantastic websites, including a kid-safe search engine, that are perfect for your young children:
Kid-safe search engine: Kiddle
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under
This fantastic search engine allows your kids to search for websites, images, news and videos that interest them. The search results that can be shown to them are both filtered and geared towards them. For example, if they search for "cooking", cooking websites that are specifically created for kids will come up in the results. A great idea would be to set Kiddle as your internet web browser's homepage to ensure that they start their web browsing from a safe place. 
Kid-safe games website: CBC Kids
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under
The CBC Kids website is great because of its Flash games. Your kids will be entertained for hours playing them, and they can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the page. There are two distinct game sections on the site. The first is aimed at children who are aged six and under, whereas the second is aimed at children aged six and over. Find the Pug is a particularly fun game! 
Kid-safe educational website: BrainPOP
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under

 Brain POP is an educational website designed to supplement your kids' curricular learning. If they're struggling in a particular subject area, for example, this website allows them to bolster what they're being taught in the classroom in a fun, interactive way. This website is such a gem that it could actually transform their learning experience in its entirety.

Kid-safe news website: Dogo News
Suitable for: Ages 11-16
If you happen to have an avid young reader in your family, it's almost guaranteed that they'll love this website. It's a news portal that actively seeks out news stories with an educational slant to them. An example of this is how some "scribbles" by Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci have recently come to light as the very first recorded pieces on the physical principles of friction. 
Kid-safe sports website: Sports Illustrated Kids
Suitable for: Ages 11-16
While the adult version of Sports Illustrated is mostly known for depicting the world's most beautiful women on its magazine covers, the kids' version is somewhat different. In fact, it helps to educate children on world sports, and the biggest stars in it. It's similar to the aforementioned Dogo News, but is solely focused on sports. 
Kid-safe food website: Fit for a Feast
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under
If you happen to have a young Gordon Ramsay or Martha Stewart in your home, then this website is for them. In addition to the website being targeted to kids, the recipes themselves are actually kid-safe too, so they won't risk coming in harm's way as they would be if they were following a full-blown "adult" recipe. Further supplementing the great food content on this site are dance tutorials, games, music and fitness tips. 
Kid-safe art website: Toy Theater
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under
This is yet another website that doesn't have a single focus, however, I chose to highlight it here because the art section allows kids to explore their creativity in a whole range of ways. Just some of the activities in the art section include spin drawings, doodle pads and an animation station to allow them to be a junior artist to their hearts' content. 
Kid-safe nature website: EcoKids
Suitable for: Ages 13 and under
In this day and age, environmental awareness is crucial to success. The importance of making our kids aware of the world they live in, and how to take care of it, will ultimately ensure that our planet's beauty is retained for many a generation to come. This website will allow your kids to learn about the environment itself, as well as giving them the ability to distinguish between good and bad environmental practices. 
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