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Is Your Router Outdated? 7 Warning Signs

In today's world, it would be nearly impossible to live without a reliable internet connection. We rely on it for everything, from work and education to entertainment and communication. Central to this digital world is the often-underappreciated router. While many people might not give their router a second thought after setting it up, this essential device can become outdated over time, leading to various connectivity issues.

An aging router can affect your online experience as technology advances and user demands increase for speed and reliability. Identifying when it's time for an upgrade can save you from countless hours of frustration and poor performance. Slow speeds, frequent disconnections, and dead zones can turn your once-smooth online experience into a frustrating ordeal. If you’re experiencing these issues, your router might be the culprit. Let's explore some common signs that it's time for an upgrade.

Related: Do This to Your Router to Increase Internet Speed

1. Frequent connection drops

Router Red Flags
Frequent internet disconnections are a common sign that your router is having trouble keeping a steady connection. This can be caused by outdated software, aging hardware, or simply the router's inability to handle the number of devices and data usage in your home. If you're constantly dealing with interrupted work, streaming, gaming, or other online tasks, it might be time to replace your router with a newer model.

2. It’s slower than normal

Router Red Flags
If you're experiencing slower internet speeds than advertised by your internet service provider, your router might be the culprit. Outdated routers can struggle to keep up with today's high-demand internet activities, leading to slower speeds. A decline in internet performance could indicate that your router's hardware is unable to handle the workload. Upgrading to a newer router can help improve speeds and overall internet performance.

3. It doesn’t receive firmware updates

Router Red Flags
Most people upgrade their routers because of weak signals or slow internet, not security concerns. However, if your router is so old it no longer receives regular software updates, it's time for a replacement. New threats emerge all the time, and an unpatched router is a vulnerable target. To safeguard your home network, you need a router that is regularly updated with security fixes and performance enhancements.

4. It has become hot, noisy, or erratic

Router Red Flags

Excessive heat, which is unusual for most routers, suggests the device is struggling to handle the demands placed on it and might be nearing hardware failure.

Most routers operate silently, so any unusual noises, like a whining sound, indicate potential component issues.

Finally, erratic behavior such as random shutdowns, frequent disconnections, or constant reboots signals a need for replacement. Ideally, routers should function uninterrupted for months. If you're continually troubleshooting or resetting your router, it's time for an upgrade.

5. Your router can’t get sufficient Wi-Fi coverage

Router Red Flags

In addition to handling too many devices, another frustrating problem is when your router's range doesn't cover your entire home. If you frequently switch to mobile data in areas like bathrooms or patios, your router likely can't handle your home's size. Similarly, relying on Wi-Fi extenders to reach areas like the garden, the terrace, or the balcony is a sign of inadequate router power.

Using Wi-Fi extenders to reach these spots is a temporary fix. Upgrading to a more powerful router or investing in a mesh system provides a more effective and long-term solution for full home Wi-Fi coverage.

Related: 7 Wi-Fi Signal Boosting Tricks for Better Connectivity

6. It’s incompatible with newer devices or can’t keep up with them

Router Red Flags

With an increasing array of smart devices in homes, routers must manage multiple connections effectively. If your router is unable to provide consistent connections for all your devices or shows performance problems when multiple devices are connected, it may be overwhelmed. A newer router with advanced features such as MU-MIMO can handle multiple device connections more efficiently.

Another aspect to be considered is compatibility with newer gadgets. As technology evolves, devices adopt the latest communication standards, which older routers might not support fully. For instance, a router from before the Wi-Fi 6 era may not fully utilize the potential of a new Wi-Fi 6 laptop or smartphone. Having the latest router ensures compatibility with the latest devices, and allows you to take full advantage of their advanced features.

7. Your router is more than 10 years old

Router Red Flags
Your old router might still work, but it could be holding back your internet speed. Most routers have a lifespan of around ten years, and after this, they often encounter issues like outdated technology, hardware problems, or missing security features. If your family situation has changed, for example, if you have children who need internet restrictions, or if you've moved and are dealing with Wi-Fi dead zones, it's a strong sign that you should consider replacing your router.
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