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14 Tips for Easier Computer Use

Not all of us are computer wizards who were born with a mouse in hand, and we’re not always aware that there are easy and quick ways to perform various tasks on the computer that can make our lives easier and shorten the time it takes us to complete different tasks, which sometimes cause us quite a bit of frustration. From browsing the internet, using the Word word processor, to working with Microsoft’s operating system (Windows 10/11) – there are countless tricks and tips that we should all be familiar with, and even if you think you know how to use your computer, it’s very likely that in the following list you’ll find information that will surprise you!

1. Moving multiple browser tabs simultaneously

Did you know that you can detach multiple tabs from a browsing window at once to open a new window by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the tabs you want to move? This is a very useful trick that can help you whenever you want to continue working with just a few open tabs in the browser.
Computer tips: Gif of moving multiple tabs in the browser

2. Closing tabs with a middle click

Most mice have a third button, which is actually the scroll wheel that is mainly used for scrolling up and down on various content pages, but many do not know that you can also click this button, and not only that, but the middle button can also close open tabs in the browser with a single click.

3. Deleting shortcut names without deleting the shortcuts

If you save a lot of bookmarks/links to favorite websites and content in your browser, you may have already run out of space on the shortcut bar. This frustrating phenomenon has a simple solution, which will allow you to save space and include many shortcuts on the main browsing window.
Move the mouse cursor over the shortcut and right-click. In the window that opens, select Edit, and simply delete the text in the top field, as described below.
Computer tips: Gif of deleting shortcut names

4. Using Google Chrome’s task manager

If you’re already familiar with Windows Task Manager, you should also get to know Google Chrome’s Task Manager. Hold down the Shift key and press the Esc key to activate the Task Manager while using the browser. Upon activation, you can see which of the open tabs are using memory and whether they are stuck or not – and close them accordingly. This is a very useful trick for anyone wondering if the site they’re on is stuck and for those who want to understand why certain sites load slower than others.

5. Using the Opera browser with a built-in VPN service

The term "VPN" (or Virtual Private Network) refers to a secondary browsing network that can be used, which transmits a different location to websites from the location where you are (for example, showing that you are in the United States when you are actually in Israel). Using a VPN also protects your privacy against websites that try to gather information about you and can be used to access content and websites that impose access restrictions based on country (like Hulu - an internet streaming network). Usually, it was necessary to install external software or a browser extension to use a VPN service, but the Opera browser (Opera) offers a built-in VPN service. In addition, it is an especially fast and simple browser to use, so it is recommended for both beginners and advanced users alike.

6. Automatic reply in Gmail

Google’s email service is the largest of its kind in the world, and as such, it also contains various options that we are used to seeing in email and personal information management software like Outlook. One of the most useful features that many people do not use is the ability to leave an automatic reply message that will be activated if you go on vacation and don’t want to be connected to your inbox all day. To use this tool, all you have to do is follow these steps:

1. Open your Gmail inbox.

2. In the top right corner, click on the settings icon (


3. Click on Settings.

4. Scroll down to Vacation responder and turn it On.

5. Fill in the dates when you will be unavailable, a subject for the message, and content that will be sent to anyone who writes to you during those dates.

6. Below the message content, you can also choose whether the message will be sent to everyone or only to those on your contact list.

7. And finally, the most important - click Save Changes to save the changes you made.

!Want to know 10 more useful Gmail tips? Click here

7. Disabling recurring messages for Office installation (Windows 8/10)

If your computer is running the Windows operating system (Windows) in version 8 or 10, you might continue to receive notifications suggesting you download and try Microsoft’s Office package. If you’re not interested in continuing to receive these notifications, you’ll be happy to know that it’s very easy to disable them:
Computer tips: Get Office notification on the computer
To get rid of the Office installation notifications, click on "Start" and find the link called "Get Office". Hover your mouse icon over the icon and right-click. In the small window that opens (see image below), select "Uninstall" - which will remove this pesky software from your computer so it won’t continue to run.
Computer tips: Uninstall Get Office notification on the computer

8. Screenshot only the software or window you’re working on

Sometimes you encounter a problem on your computer or see something you want to share with someone else, but to take a screenshot, you need to go through a long series of steps, and even after that, you’re likely to share more of your computer screen than you intended. The solution to this is very simple: hold down the Alt key, and press the PrtScn (Print Screen) key on the keyboard. Now you just need to open the Paint program (MS Paint) built into Windows, and paste the screenshot (right-click and choose "Paste") that will include only the window or software you’re working on and not the entire computer screen.

9. Recording the actions you took on the computer

If a screenshot is not enough to solve a problem you encountered, you can recreate the actions you took that caused the problem and send the recording to someone who can help you:

1. Click the "Start" button.

2. Select "Accessories" - "Accessories".

3. Select "Problem Steps Recorder" - "Problem Steps Recorder/Steps to Reproduce Problem". (In older versions of Windows, the selection may appear in the control panel).

Computer tips: Activating the Problem Steps Recorder

4. In the window that opens, click Start Record.

5. Recreate the series of actions that led to the problem.

6. If you want to add comments during the recording, click Add Comment.

7. Click Stop Record to finish recording and save the file.

8. You can then send the file to the person helping you, making the support process easier.

10. Getting to know your computer’s components and contents

Did you buy a new computer, or do you have a computer and need or are curious to know what components are installed in it? While it is possible to extract this information from the operating system, the path to the device manager is not easy for the average user, and a small mistake you make there can lead to a big mess. Instead, you can install a small and easy-to-use program called Speccy, which will give you all the technical information you want and need to know. You can download the program from the attached link (during installation, you can choose Hebrew as the default language), and after activation, you don’t need to do anything – Speccy will give you all the information within seconds.

11. Getting to know Word shortcuts

Anyone who uses the Word program (Word) sometimes gets frustrated with the need to navigate with the mouse to perform many different actions. For your convenience, we have prepared a list of Word keyboard shortcuts that will make your life easier.

12. Upgrading the Windows calculator

For over 15 years, Microsoft’s operating system has included a calculator, with each new version adding several options that not everyone is aware of. Today, the Windows calculator can perform not only mathematical calculations but also statistical calculations, operate as a scientific calculator, and even convert different values, such as weights, volumes, speed, and more.
In Windows 7, select View, then the display or conversion type relevant to you.
In Windows 8 and 10, click the menu button (3 lines at the top of the window).
Computer tips: Gif of expanding the calculator in the Windows program

13. Resetting a web page to its original size

Has it ever happened to you that you increased or decreased what is displayed in the window you’re working on, and you can’t seem to get it back to its original size? You’ll be happy to know that there is a way to do this easily: just hold down the Ctrl key and press the number zero (0) – that’s it! The website is back to its original size.

14. Minimizing windows easily

Since the old Windows Vista, Microsoft has added the option to minimize and restore the windows you’re working on by holding down the top bar of the window and "shaking" it (as you’ll see in the image below). After shaking, if you want to bring back the windows you minimized, just shake the window again.
Computer tips: Gif of shaking windows to minimize

Sources: carlcheo, tips4pc

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