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What People's Handwriting Says About Their Personalities

Handwriting is unique to every single individual, and this uniqueness can help reveal no less than 5,000 different personality traits. There are various different factors that contribute to this uniqueness, from the size of your handwriting, to the spacing between your letters and even how hard you press down with your pen. Let’s take a closer look at these factors:

1. Size

What Handwriting Says About Personality

If you have large handwriting, you’re more likely to have an outgoing personality. Shy, introverted types tend to write smaller. Average-sized handwriting is indicative of a strong ability to focus and concentrate.

2. Spacing between words

People who leave large spaces between words tend to like their own company. In contrast, people who squeeze their words together tend to enjoy being in the company of others. An almost complete lack of spacing can indicate a tendency to be intrusive.

3. Pen pressure

Applying lots of pen pressure can be indicative of tension and anger, whereas moderately heavy pressure indicates commitment. On the other hand, soft pen pressure indicates empathy and sensitivity, but it can also reveal a lack of vitality.

4. Dotting of the letter I

An active imagination is revealed by dotting the letter I high on the page. In contrast, a detail-oriented mind is revealed by dotting the letter I low on the page. You’re likely to be a procrastinator if you dot the letter I to the left. Dotting the letter I with a circle can indicate a playful and child-like personality.

5. Legibility of your signature

What Handwriting Says About Personality

A signature that’s easy to read will likely belong to a confident individual that’s confident in their own skin, whereas one that’s difficult to read is likely to belong to an individual that’s private and hard to read.

6. Slant

Even the slant of one's handwriting says something about an individual’s personality. A right slant indicates a preference of meeting and working with new people, but a left slant indicates a tendency towards introversion and introspection.

7. Crossing of the letter T

Determined and enthusiastic individuals tend to cross their Ts with long crosses, but this handwriting feature can also be indicative of stubborn tendencies. A short cross of a T can indicate a lazy individual, and lowercase Ts that are crossed up high can belong to an individual that has numerous goals and aims high. Lowercase Ts that are crossed down low can belong to an individual who needs to aim higher.

8. Looping of the lowercase L

A widely-looped lowercase L can indicate a relaxed state of mind and spontaneity, but a narrow or retraced lowercase L can indicate an individual that is restricting him or herself.

9. Hooking of the letter Y

What Handwriting Says About Personality

How an individual hooks their lowercase Y is a big indicator of their personality. A broad loop means that they have a large circle of friends, but a slender loop means that they’re more selective about who they allow to be close to them. Furthermore, a short hook is likely to belong to a homebody, whereas a long hook can indicate wanderlust.

10. Pointed vs. rounded letters

Pointed letters are indicative of a highly-intelligent person who’s holding back aggression, but rounded letters usually belong to one who’s either highly creative or artistic.

11. Speed of writing

Speedy writers tend to be impatient and can’t stand wasting time. Slow writers tend to be self-reliant and methodical.

12. You might have a big head if…

…you write “I” (as a pronoun) much larger than you write any other capital letter.

13. You might be lying if…

What Handwriting Says About Personality

…the slant of your handwriting changes drastically over the course of a single piece of writing.

14. Connected vs. disconnected letters

Connected letters tend to be written by individuals that make decisions based on facts and experience, but disconnected letters tend to be written by imaginative, impulsive and intuitive individuals.

15. Use of punctuation

Punctuation is important for conveying meaning and making something easier to read, but excessive punctuation shows that an individual is highly emotional or even slightly obsessive.

16. Closed vs. open letter O

Those who write closed letter Os usually have closed-off personalities and lean towards keeping to themselves and introversion. On the other hand, those that write open letters are more open, social and extroverted.

17. Writing of the letter E

Narrow lowercase letter Es are usually written by skeptics, or unemotional individuals. Large lowercase letter Es are usually written by open-minded and adventurous individuals.


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Images by Deposit Photos

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