7 Ways to Connect With a Family Member With Dementia
Here are a few ways you can spend quality time with a loved one with dementia that will be both fun and beneficial for the entire family!
5 Tips On How to Get the Grandkids Off Their Screens
Here are 5 tips to help you enjoy quality time with your grandkids, OFF screen.
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
These Age-Old Idioms Date Back to the Renaissance!
The expressions listed here all sound contemporary, but they're almost half a millennium old.
How Come There Are No Mosquitos in Disney World?
Discover all the little mechanisms that make Disney World go like clockwork.
12 Words You Probably Didn't Know Were Acronyms
Without even realizing it, we are frequently incorporating many acronyms into our everyday lives!
18 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Medieval Times
Watch Medieval Literature Dr. Dorsey Armstrong answer all the important questions related to the Middle Ages.
Each Of These 35 Places Represents a Worldly High or Low
When it comes to records, these countries and cities stand at the top (and bottom) of the tree.
Forgotten Societies: 6 Little-Known Civilizations
These forgotten civilizations influenced the world.
25 Incredible Facts About the Famous Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan struck fear into the hearts of his subjects during his reign, but there's a lot more to the man than meets the eye. Here are 25 intriguing facts.
Don't Tell Anyone! These Secrets Are Only Known by 2 People
These secrets are so highly guarded that only two people in the world know about them.
17 Extremely Dangerous Foods That Could Kill You!
From toxic fish, to monkey brains, you'll be surprised at what some people would risk just for a taste of these dangerous "delicacies".
Inspiring: 80-Year-Old Holds Guinness Record for Planking!
Meet Annie Judis, the 80-year-old who became the oldest person to hold an abdominal plank earlier this year.
Fascinating Photos: Actors vs. the Real People They Played
Take a look yourself and make your own mind as to how faithful the actors were to the people they played in movies.
If You Have Old Toys Laying Around, You Might Be Rich
If you've got any of these toys from the 1980s laying around, then you might just be sitting on a goldmine!
7 Conspiracy Stories that Turned Out to be True
These stories are shocking... and they turned out to be true!
These Rare Photos Tell the Story of the Great Depression
A photographic summary depiction of The Great Depression.
A Fistful of Dollars: Live and Unforgettable Performance
Watch The Danish National Symphony Orchestra perform Ennio Morricone’s classic song "A Fistful of Dollars."
26 Vintage Celebrity Photos Filled with Undeniable Charm
Let's take a look at 26 vintage photos filled with undeniable charm.
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
The Truth Behind These Animal Myths Will Shock You
Here are a list of facts about animals we thought to be true.
24 Photos of Love & Kindness to Inspire Us All
These amazing photographs are just what you need to remind you about the most important things in life, kindness and love.
Megiddo: The Story of the Oldest Battle in History
Join us as we explore the dramatic events and enduring legacy of this pivotal conflict that shaped the course of human civilization.
Bizarre But True: 15 Fascinating Facts That Surprised Us
These utterly amazing tidbits will leave you utterly amazed.
These Archeological Finds Continue to Baffle Researchers
Some archeological discoveries that have been made simply cannot be explained away by modern researchers. Here are 15 of these baffling finds.
22 Facts That Will Change What You Think You Know
From Facebook to Winston Churchill, these 22 surprising facts are very interesting.
The Unlikely Chance Encounters That Shaped the World
One chance meeting could change history. Check out the stories of the most world altering encounters that happened completely at random.
Which of These Old Bathroom Features Do You Want Back?
These old bathroom trends have disappeared over time.
Museum of the Weird: 15 Fascinating Finds
Historical artifacts don't get weirder than this.
These Acrobatic Performances Will Make Your Jaw Drop
A breathtaking compilation of the 100 best female acrobatic performances by Cirque du Soleil
Watch This Couple Go Through 60 Years of Aging...
This young couple found out with some magical help from talented makeup artists. The results are remarkable, and the ending filled my eyes with tears.
Watch a Thai Chiropractor Fixing a Spine With a Hammer!
Thailand is a country that's known for specializing in many different kinds of massages, but would you dare be massaged by a man wielding a hammer?
9 Different Types of Oranges You Never Knew About
How many of these unique orange varieties have you tried?
Saxophone Magic: 15 Unforgettable Solos
These renditions of epic sax solos are just perfect.
You Won't Believe These Stories of the White House
The White House stands as a glorious monument to American politics, and in its 200 years of history, has had quite a few interesting encounter!
13 Geniuses, Who On Some Level, May Have Been a Little Mad
These geniuses may have been smart, but they are incredibly weird too!
The Epic Battle of Stalingrad Comes to Life
One of the most epic battles in history, and the biggest of WWII comes to life and explored in this in-depth video.
Turns Out There’s a Chart for Literally Every Little Thing
Learn something useful and fun with these helpful charts!
Grandma Gets Asked a Question and Has a Perfect Response
When I asked grandma what she thought of events in recent years, I found her answer intriguing. It made me realize how much things have changed...
8 Shocking Historical Discoveries of the Last 20 Years
Let’s take a look at some of the most shocking historical discoveries and findings made since 2001
Rare Interesting Historical Photos That are Must-See
You won’t find these rare photos in your history books.
Mark Twain Really Had a Way With Words
These great quotes from Mark Twain are all-time classics, and worth remembering.
Meet the 10 Most Influential Figures of the Renaissance
Learn about the 10 most influential characters from the rebirth of Western civilization, including sculptors, painters, architects, writers, humanists, scientists, and philosophers.
Of the Transformative Power of Classical Music...
A fascinating TED talk by Benjamin Zander.
Early 1900s America Captured in Charming Vintage Photos
These vintage photos capture early 20th-century life in America.
Phrases We Use Without Realizing It’s a Shakespeare Quote
William Shakespeare had a huge impact on modern English, so much so that most of us are quoting the great bard every day without even realizing it!
14 Charming Photos of Schools from Back in the 1950s
Peek inside 1950s classrooms with these charming photos.