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Today's World News Headlines

March 22nd, 2017: Today's world news headlines

•  Bus Driver’s Good Deed Captured on CCTV
•  North Korea Unmoved by Sanctions Threat
•  Bumblebees Are Now an Endangered Species in US
•  What's the Real Legacy of Martin McGuinness?
•  Two Stolen Van Gogh’s Back on Display in Amsterdam


On This Day in 1622, the Algonquians killed 347 settlers in Jamestown, Virginia, a third of the entire population. In 1954 the first ever shopping mall opened in Southfield, Michigan. In 1963 the Beatles released their first UK album, entitled Please Please Me. And last year, in 2016, suicide bombers in Brussels killed 32 people and injured a further 316.

Milwaukee Bus Driver’s Good Deed Captured on CCTV
Milwaukee bus driver Denise Wilson saw a shocking sight one night, and stepped in like a true every day hero.

Bellicose North Korea Unmoved by New Threats of Sanctions
A North Korean envoy to the UN declares that his nation is not scared of US sanctions, saying they will only lead to a greater push in its nuclear program.
Bumblebees Are Now An Endangered Species in US
If Something isn’t done soon, bumblebees could be in real danger of extinction - and this could spell disaster.
What Is the Real Legacy of Martin McGuinness?
โ€‹Aged 66, Northern Irish politician and former first minister Martin McGuinness has died, prompting a major disagreement in the UK as to whether he was wicked or a man of peace.

Two Priceless Stolen Van Gogh’s Are Back on Display in Amsterdam
Some 14 years after being stolen by the Mafia, two priceless Van Gogh paintings have been returned and are hanging in an Amsterdam museum.

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