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This is How Chocolate is Produced

Nearly all of the chocolate you can buy in the world is manufactured in huge industrial factories by four or five large companies, but there is actually a growing movement of craft chocolate, where passionate chocolate lovers produce chocolate from scratch โ€“ from bean to bar. This is how they do it.
This delicate flower is the start of every piece of chocolate you have ever eaten. 
How Chocolate is Made
Here you can see the cocoa pods growing directly from large branches of a tree. 
How Chocolate is Made
This photo, shot in Hawaii, shows the amazing colors that cocoa pods come in. 
How Chocolate is Made
Every single color of the rainbow! 
How Chocolate is Made


Each pod contains a white pulp that surrounds 25-40 cocoa beans. 
How Chocolate is Made
Cocoa beans surrounded by their white pulp. 
How Chocolate is Made
A closer look inside a cocoa bean. 
How Chocolate is Made
After harvesting, the pods are cut open and the beans are removed from their pulp. They are then left to ferment in a container for 5-7 days. 
How Chocolate is Made
After fermentation, the beans are laid out in the sun to dry for 7-10 days. 
How Chocolate is Made
The beans are turned regularly to ensure that they dry evenly. 
How Chocolate is Made
After drying, the beans are packed into burlap sacks to be transported to chocolate makers all over the world. 
How Chocolate is Made
When they receive the beans, the first thing they do is sort them by hand. This ensures that they only use the best beans.  
How Chocolate is Made
The good beans are then put into a little roaster for about 20 minutes. 
How Chocolate is Made
After a good roasting, the beans are passed through a contraption known as a breaker and winnower. The breaker breaks the beans (obviously) and the winnower, which is attached to a vacuum, pulls the papery shells away. 
How Chocolate is Made
Some freshly winnowed cocoa nibs ready for grinding. 
How Chocolate is Made
The nibs are slowly added to a melanger, which consists of large granite wheels rotating on a granite base. The heat causes the cocoa butter in the nibs to melt. At this stage, sugar cane, milk powder, and any flavorings can be added. The chocolate stays in here for 3 days. 
How Chocolate is Made
After 3 days, it's finally time to pour the chocolate out. 
How Chocolate is Made

The chocolate is then tempered to give it a smooth, glossy finish. This is done by raising and lowering the temperature very precisely. After, this, the chocolate is ladled into polycarbonate molds, and are left to set in the fridge for a few hours. 

This is How Chocolate is Made
The finished product. 
How Chocolate is Made


Source: boredpanda

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