A lot of us depend on various kitchen tools and appliances every day. Whether you love cooking or not, these tools – from a blender to measuring cups – are always great and useful and help save time. Today, we will take a look at some unusual kitchen tools and gadgets that you never knew you needed before. Not only will these unique pieces of equipment make cooking and eating a lot more fun, but they will also make your life in the kitchen a lot easier. From a toast rack to an egg piercer, these fun, quirky, and useful tools should be a part of every kitchen.
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Customize Autocorrect Settings on Your iPhone or Android
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Follow This Repair Guide to Mend a Broken Saucepan Handle
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21 Useful Guides, Charts, and Maps All of Us Need
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Grandma Gets Asked a Question and Has a Perfect Response
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Was The First Famous War Photo in History Staged?
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These Fun Charts and Guides Teach You Tons of Cool Stuff
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Savor These Delightful Short Films This Christmas Season
Here are some of the most wonderful Christmas-themed short films that you can watch this holiday season.
How to Approach an Unfamiliar Dog Safely
Just as there are courtesy rules to meeting a person for the first time, there are also right and wrong ways to approach an unfamiliar dog.
This Famous Speech is Still Amazing Today!
One of the greatest speeches ever made, for the love of freedom, the love of human beings.
10 Mind-Blowing History Facts You Never Knew Were True
This article is a collection of 10 surprising and little-known ancient history facts, some serious, some mysterious, and some just plain odd.
1967 Classic: Tommy James and The Shondells Live
Groove to the tunes of Tommy James & The Shondells from this classic 1967 musical video.
The Fascinating Last Words of Famous Historical Figures
Some of the most important figures in world history, along with some of the most notorious, had some fascinating things to say just before they left this world.
These 3 Breakthroughs Are Making Historians Jump for Joy!
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7 Accidental Finds That Made People Extremely Rich
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21 Fascinating Facts About Word Origins You Never Knew
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Turns Out There’s a Chart for Literally Every Little Thing
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These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
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Incredible Maps: The World of Second Languages!
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Be Prepared! These Facts About the World Are Pretty Scary
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A Unique Nursing Home You Need to Hear About...
This dementia village is the most progressive and forward thinking nursing home.
The Encyclopedia Won’t Tell You These Unique Facts
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You Will Not Look At These 6 Historical Figures The Same
The rumors and myths of these historical figures are already considered facts. The truth, however, is completely different.
Meet the One-Handed Climbing Champion, Brian Zarzuela
Brian Zarzuela has overcome disability in the most extraordinary ways.
These Archeological Finds Continue to Baffle Researchers
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20 Safety Fails That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
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These 6 Mysterious Objects Can't Be Explained by Anyone
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Icy Photos Prove That Winter Is Not for the Faint-Hearted
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6 Ancient Kingdoms You Were Never Taught About
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This Soulful Cello Performance Will Give You Goosebumps
Sit back and enjoy this amazing cello performance
We Bet You Didn’t Know The Word OK’s True Meaning
It feels like one of the most natural and obvious words in our vocabulary, but it isn’t exactly so. Watch to find out OK’s interesting origins.
Ancient Legends: 13 Terrifying Folklore Creatures
These fearsome folkloric beings have been keeping people awake for generations.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
The Surprising Link Between English and Sanskrit
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Let’s Learn About 7 of the Longest Words!
Did you know that the longest word to appear in literature clocks at a staggering 183 letters? Find out about more such longest words.
8 Historical Misunderstandings of the First Christmas
Some of the details that you have heard about the first Christmas are completely wrong. Here are 8 things that we bet you didn't know about the first Christmas.
A Nostalgic Look Back at Prices in the Past (14 Pics)
Travel back to the time when things cost just a few cents.
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10 Questions You Always Wanted the Answer To
Let's dive into ten questions you've always wanted to ask and uncover the intriguing science behind everyday phenomena.
How Companies Deceive Us All - 20 Pictures
As these 20 pictures prove, companies are constantly lying about the size and the quality of their products through deceptive packaging!
The English Samurai: The True History Behind 'Shogun'
In this article, we will look at the TRUE history behind the celebrated book Shogun.
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