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These Beauty Practices of the Past Look Strange Today…

Every time period in history has its own beauty standards, and accordingly, every generation has its own unique ways to attain them. Of course, outer beauty is deeply personal, but at the same time, what we perceive as attractive is affected by the culture surrounding us. So it’s no surprise that some vintage beauty procedures, treatments, and practices that were popular during the first half of the 20th century are no longer in use.  

Some devices, like the hairdryer, for example, are still widely popular but took on a completely different shape through the decades. The first hair dryer was invented in 1890 by French stylist Alexander Godefroy. His seated version had a bonnet that attached to the chimney pipe of a gas stove. The first handheld hair dryers appeared in the 1920s but they were still significantly different from the ones we use today. They were much heavier and more difficult to use. 

In the following photo collection, you can see such vintage hairdryers and other beauty and wellness practices of the past. It’s interesting to think about how future generations will look at the practices that we take for granted today.


1. A woman having a seam painted onto her leg to make it appear as if she is wearing stockings, 1926
Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, A woman aaving a seam painted onto her leg, tom it appear that she is wearing stockings, 1926

2. Ironing hair in order to straighten it, 1964
Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Ironing hair in order to straighten it, 1964

3. Contestants in the 'Miss Lovely Eyes' pageant in Florida wearing masks to obscure the rest of their faces, 1930

Related: Did People Age Faster in the Past?

4. Woman using a suntan vending machine, 1949
Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Woman using a sun tan venidng machine, 1949

5. Portable hairdryer, the 1940s
Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Portable hair dryer, 1940s

6. A full face swimming mask that helped protect the skin from the sun, the 1920sPast Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, A full faces swimming mask, helped protect skin form the sun, 1920s

Related: 20 Rare Photos of the USA From the 1950s

7. A woman getting a perm in Germany, 1929Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, A woman getting a perm in Germany, 1929

8. Rita Perchetti and Gloria Rossi try their new portable bathhouses so that they are able to change their clothes after sunbathing on Coney Island Beach, 1938Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, portable bathhouse so they can change their clothes after sunbathing on Coney Island Beach, 1938

9. Max Factor's 1931 Ice Mask
Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Max Factor's 1931 Ice Mask

10. A policeman judges an ankle competition at Hounslow, London, in 1930Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, A policeman judges an ankle competition at Hounslow, London 1930

11. A hairdryer from the 1920sPast Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Hair dryer, 1920s

Related: 14 Effective Old-School Beauty Tips We Need to Bring Back

12. A fruit face mask from the 1930s

Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today,  A fruit face mask form the 1930s

13. Wooden swimsuits, 1929Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Wooden swimsuits, 1929

14. Backscratching monitoring visor, 1949Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Backscratching monitoring visor, 1949

15. A young woman holds her arms and legs in four water baths with an electric current to improve blood circulation, c. 1938Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, young woman holds her arms and legs in four water bathes with electric current, to improve blood circulation, c. 1938

16. This shower cap was used to protect the hair from getting wet, 1970Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, shower head was used to protect the hair form getting wet, 1970

17. A dimple machine, 1936Past Beauty Practices That Seem Strange Today, Dimple machine, 1936

Source of images: Bored Panda

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