These Max Shows Will Keep You Glued to Your Screen
Looking for something new to watch? Check out our latest recommendations...
Is This the Most Generous Boss On the Face of the Earth?
The boss of India-based HK Exports, Savji Dholakia, should serve as an inspiration to all bosses around the world thanks to his incredible generosity.
10 of the Most Spectacular Royal Crowns in the World
Crowns have long been seen as a strong symbol of power and wealth. Here are some of the world's most recognized crowns and tiaras.
Keep Your Jewelry Sparkling Clean With This Perfect Guide
Jewelry is quick to tarnish and lose its beauty. But don't despair - use these cheap and easy methods to clean it at home!
Listen To This Acapella Medley of Classic Songs by Queen
Listen to this amazing acapella medley of some of the most memorable and classic songs of the popular British band, Queen.
In Photos: 15 Ways Crows are Smarter Than You Might Think
Crows may be much smarter than we ever realized.
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
Each Of These 35 Places Represents a Worldly High or Low
When it comes to records, these countries and cities stand at the top (and bottom) of the tree.
Millennials Are Killing These 12 Industries...
The preferences of millennials are destroying dozens of industries. Here are 12 industries that they're killing.
These Optical Illusions Will Leave Your Brain Befuddled
The optical illusions you're about to see are all completely static. In spite of that, they all appear to be moving. Can you figure out what's going on?
Let’s Learn About 7 of the Longest Words!
Did you know that the longest word to appear in literature clocks at a staggering 183 letters? Find out about more such longest words.
In the West, We Have Much to Learn From the East...
Eastern philosophy is vastly different to Western philosophy, and we all have much to learn from the schools of thought from that part of the world.
WATCH: The Incredible Kindness of Strangers Is Wonderful
Strangers can be incredibly compassionate, and this is just as true when helping out an animal in distress. Watch this heart-warming video.
LET IT ROT: Why Young Chinese are Simply Giving Up
What is the bai lan movement, why are Chinese youth drawn to it and what does it mean for China.
Wow! I Had No Idea That Whales Could Show Gratitude!
One whale was so grateful for the man who saved his life, he showed his appreciation - by dancing!
20 Nostalgic Images of Circulating Libraries
Way before Amazon, the visit of the bookmobile was one of the most exciting moments. These 20 nostalgic images capture the circulating libraries of the past.
The 3 Teenage Girls Who Outsmarted the Germans in WWII
Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, and Hannie Schaft used their looks to lure and execute Nazi-supporters in the Netherlands during WWII. This is their story.
Monica Lewinsky: I Paid The Price of Shame...
We all connect the name Monica Lewinsky with shame, what is it like being the one at the other end of this story?
These Photos Prove: Time & Angle Make All the Difference!
These fascinating comparison photos highlight what a huge difference time angle can make!
11 of the Most Insanely Useful Websites on the Web
Believe it or not, there are tons of sites that offer useful free stuff. Here’s a look at a few of them.
Famous Moments in History that Never Happened
Chances are you've accepted these nine occurrences as historical fact. But, they are actually, completely false.
How to Detect a Liar, Explained by a Former FBI agent
Former FBI agent explains about deception detection methods, and debunks common myths.
Love Mythology? You'll Love These Informative Animations!
These informative TED-Ed videos delve into some of the world’s most popular myths and attempt to explain them in all their glory!
Her Mom With Alzheimer's Didn't Recognize Her, Until...
A loving daughter experiences a moment she thought she'd never have again.
12 Classic Shows You Didn’t Know You Could Stream
Take a nostalgia trip with these classic TV shows.
Men vs. Women: What Does the Science Say?
10 studies and articles that dive into the real differences between the sexes, asking the meaningful questions and looking at real data.
Forgotten Gems: 10 Classic Films You Missed
These underrated classics need your attention.
13 People Who Proved that Age is Nothing But a Number
If you think that celebrating your golden jubilee means you're past your prime, then these 13 people have something to teach you...
Rock On with This 'Eye of the Tiger' Drum Solo Act
This has to be the most stunning drum performance!
10 Film Noir Movies You Simply Have to Watch
If you're new to this genre and even if you're an old fan, these 10 classic film noir movies are a must-watch for anyone.
Beware of Ordering These (Potentially) Fake Foods
There are certain items on a restaurant's menu that should be considered with caution, and this is because they tend to be faked. Learn more here.
These 6 People Have an IQ Higher Than Einstein!
Einstein's name has long been used as a synonym for genius, but history is full of other tremendously intelligent people. Here are 6 noteworthy examples!
History's 8 Overlooked Men You Should Know About
The stories of these unsung men from history deserve to be told.
Keep a Conversation Flowing With These Historical Facts
If a conversation you're having starts to stall, just throw out some of these amazing historical facts and you’ll be talking long into the night!
Cities of Yesteryear: See the 1890s Come Alive!
It's incredible to have this look into yesteryear, and this compilation have some truly terrific sights to show you!
What Did the Future Mean to 1958 High Schoolers?
Peep into a high school debate from 1958 about the teenager's future. Are their arguments still relevant today?
The Past Was a Surprising and Truly Strange Time...
Here are some truly weird things that people used to do in the past from days gone by.
These 5 Extraordinary People Really Are Superhumans!
This gripping documentary tells the stories of five exceptionally talented people with unique gifts.
When Deaf People Hear for the Very First Time...
In this wonderful video, we will see the miracle of hearing given to several people who have been deaf.
21 Tips to Make Your Golden Years the Time of Your Life
Many seniors will offer a different piece of advice on life. This collection of tips will allow you to live the most wondrous golden years imaginable.
15 Rare Photos of Iconic Authors You've Never Seen
Your favorite iconic authors, as you've never seen them before.
Don't Tell Anyone! These Secrets Are Only Known by 2 People
These secrets are so highly guarded that only two people in the world know about them.
These Benches Tell a Story: Witty & Heartfelt Tributes
These bench plaques will warm your heart instantly.
Love is Beautifully Captured in These Historic Photos...
While much has changed over the last century, there is one thing that has always remained the same, and that is love. Take a look at this photo collection.
These Greetings Are For Wishing a Fantastic NEW YEAR!
A New Year is the time for resolutions, a fresh start and general optimism. Share these sentiments with a loved one with one of our amazing greetings.
You Won’t Believe How Good This 5-Year-Old Drummer Is!
Meet Chrisyius Whitehead, the most talented kid drummer ever!
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!