Kevin Breel is a 20 year old comedian and writer who also struggles with depression. He has been touring many places and talking about his personal story. It is important, he says, to spread the message that depression is not something that happens to certain personality types or cry babies, but is actually something that is wrong with our brain, and it is time to remove the stigma from this clinically diagnosable disease which is influencing more and more of his generation. Listen to his personal story and see how your opinion of what depression is changes as he speaks. |
Why We Sleep: A Fascinating Lecture!
In this fascinating lecture, you're going to learn all about why we need to sleep and what happens while we do.
Your Life Can Become Magical If You Follow These Mantras
Spiritual master Sadhguru explains how your life can become magical if you unlock the innate genius within you.
What is Our Executive Brain, and How Can One Improve It?
Did you know your brain had a brain? The executive brain is the part of us that plans. What is it and how to improve its function?
Lessons From the War of Life and Death
This man shares what he saw while he was pronounced dead for 20 minutes.
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Break Bad Habits and Build New good Ones With This Video
A 30-minute illustrated summary of the book "Atomic Habits", on a science-backed way to build good habits and break bad ones.
Life Has Changed a Lot Since These Photos Were Taken
These historic photos capture the everyday experiences of the last century, reminding us how much the ordinary things in life have changed.
14 Interesting Exhibits from the "Museum of Curiosities"
The "Museum of Curiosities" is an online platform that has some startling and fascinating treasures.
A Look Back at How 15 Famous Inventions Started Out
Today, let’s look back at the fascinating vintage versions of modern tech that we still use.
You Won't Believe These Stories of the White House
The White House stands as a glorious monument to American politics, and in its 200 years of history, has had quite a few interesting encounter!
Her Mom With Alzheimer's Didn't Recognize Her, Until...
A loving daughter experiences a moment she thought she'd never have again.
7 Ancient Buildings That Have Survived the Test of Time
Here is a look at some wonderful ancient structures that have survived the test of time.
20 Weird Facts You Didn't Know You Need to Know
20 Historical, modern, weird & funny facts for your enjoyment.
1950s Debunked: Correcting Misconceptions About the Era
The 1950s may not have been as idyllic as we have been made to believe.
INTERACTIVE: 12 Fascinating Facts About Napoleon Bonaparte
Whether you're a history aficionado or a curious learner, these insights offer a unique glimpse into the man behind the legend of Napoleon.
Look Back at These Iconic Royal Wedding Photos
Royal Weddings were always a cause for public celebration and fascination. Here are some of the most iconic royal wedding photos in history.
Famous Moments in History that Never Happened
Chances are you've accepted these nine occurrences as historical fact. But, they are actually, completely false.
Good News Alert! 11 Positive Things You Need to Know About
If you look for good news, you’ll always find it. Here are some wonderful things happening around us right now.
There is No Greater Blessing than Your Family
Beautiful Words: Having a family to care for is a blessing.
This Struggling Single Mom's Story Will Warm Your Heart
A good story is all you need to restore your faith in humanity, and the story of single mom Billie, from Florida, is definitely one to do just that.
These American History “Facts” Are Actually False
We’ve all believed these American history “facts” at some point.
Marilyn Monroe's 15 Unforgettable Quotes That Resonate
These Marilyn Monroe quotes will change what you think of her.
We Bet You Didn’t Know The Word OK’s True Meaning
It feels like one of the most natural and obvious words in our vocabulary, but it isn’t exactly so. Watch to find out OK’s interesting origins.
9 Unusual Facts You Probably Didn't Know About July 4
There’s still so much you don’t know about America’s Independence Day.
7 Conspiracy Stories that Turned Out to be True
These stories are shocking... and they turned out to be true!
The Surprising Link Between English and Sanskrit
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language, but most people don't know that this archaic language and English have a common ancestor
The Most Successful Hoaxes In History
The world loves pranks and history has a trail of good and bad ones. Here are some of the most successful hoaxes ever pulled.
Fascinating Photos: Actors vs. the Real People They Played
Take a look yourself and make your own mind as to how faithful the actors were to the people they played in movies.
Then & Now Photos Show How the World Has Changed
Here are some of the best pictures contributed by their users. Which impressed you most?
20 Mind-Blowing Facts That Sound Completely Made Up
You won't believe how crazy these crazy facts are.
10 Food Products You Should Never Freeze
Take note of this list of food products that should be kept far away from the freezer.
These War Machines Were Truly One-of-a-Kind
It’s crazy to think these war weapons actually existed.
Do You Remember Playing Like These Photographed Children?
In the days before cellphones, the internet, and the like, we children had to learn how to make our fun. Remember playing like these retro kids?
The Fascinating Ways Our Fruits and Veggies Are Grown...
Here are some of the amazing the ways that fruits and veggies grow that may be new to you!
17 Extremely Dangerous Foods That Could Kill You!
From toxic fish, to monkey brains, you'll be surprised at what some people would risk just for a taste of these dangerous "delicacies".
She Will Never Forget Her Marriage Proposal. Ever.
This is a Marriage Proposal For the Books...
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
13 Quirky Vintage Inventions That Should Be Brought Back
Check out these cool and quirky vintage inventions that could be useful to many of us today!
You’d Be Surprised at How Valuable These Old Items Are!
These 9 ordinary old items that could be extremely valuable today. Some of them may be collecting dust in your home right now...
Millennials Are Killing These 12 Industries...
The preferences of millennials are destroying dozens of industries. Here are 12 industries that they're killing.
14 Charming Photos of Schools from Back in the 1950s
Peek inside 1950s classrooms with these charming photos.
A Moment in History: The Ghost Army that Scared the Nazis!
One of the most fascinating army units during World War II was constantly at the front lines, but never did any fighting...
Watch These Old Historical Photos Come Magically to Life
Russian animator Alexey Zakharov has managed to achieve something amazing: he animates old photos and turns them into film. You've got to see this.
8 Historical Coincidences That are Too Bizarre to Be Fake
Throughout history, there were many events that could only occur due to incredible coincidences. Here are 8 of history weirdest coincidences, these stories sound stranger than fiction.
The Stories of These Women from History are Inspiring
Read the inspiring stories of these amazingly strong women.
Listen to 7 of History's Most Famous Speeches
This article brings you the words of 7 of the most famous and impassioned speeches in history.
The 1900s Had Some STRANGE Predictions About Today...
People from the past centuries have made some very bizarre predictions of the 21st century, even famous scientists and writers got things completely wrong!