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Perspective Is Everything - 17 Side by Side Comparisons

Perspective can really change the way you see and feel about things. For example, seeing two paintings you created in the span of a year can reveal what tremendous progress you made in that time, and how much your skills have developed. Seeing a picture of your dog when it was just a puppy can remind you how long you two have been together and will make you reminisce on all the great memories you have together. 

While we think that we are aware of those things, being stuck in the same daily routine can often make us lose perspective. And what’s better than a visual reminder? The following comparison pictures highlight what an immense difference time, practice, or angle can make.

1. Growing up together - 1993 vs. 2013
20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, pet turtle 1993 vs 2003

Image Source: Reddit

2. A cat's pupils can be completely round at night and narrow to a thin slit during the day
20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, the same cat's eyes day vs night

3. Four generations of one family20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, Fout generations of one family

Image Source: Instagram

4. Manila, the capital of the Philippines, before and after quarantine20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, Manila, capital of the Philippines, before and after quarantine

Image Source: Reddit

5. A wooden chair before and after renovation
20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, Wooden chair, before and after renovation

6. This Crimson Rose Caterpillar metamorphosized into a beautiful butterfly20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, caterpillar before it turned into a butterfly

Image Source: Reddit

7. The picture on the left was taken on the day this cat was rescued from the street, and the right one is from a year later20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, rescue cat

Image Source: Reddit

8. The scale of this landscape becomes much clearer when you compare it to a man20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, The scale of this landscape becomes much clearer when you compare it to a man

Image Source: Reddit

9. One, five, and seven months together20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, from puppy to dog

10. This dog looks exactly like the dog on the package of her food 20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, This dog looks exactly the one on her food 

Image Source: Reddit

11. "I took nearly the same photo on my honeymoon today that my mom took 43 years ago on hers."20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, the same spot 42 years apart

Image Source: Reddit

12. Abraham Lincoln before and after the Civil War 
20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, Abraham Lincoln before and after the Civil War 

Image Source: Reddit

13. After years of efforts of combatting desertification, 93% of the Mu-Us Desert in Northwest China was transformed into an oasis 20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, 93% of the Mu-Us Desert in In Northwest China has been turned into an oasis

Image Source: Twitter

14. "Before and after 'adoption'. Five days after I found it in the trash, this beauty is thriving!"20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, adopted plant

Image Source: Reddit

15. A lockdown backyard project - a before and after comparison20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, Lockdown backyard project

Image Source: Reddit

16. The heart of a blue whale compared to the size of a human20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, The heart of a blue whale compared to the size of a human

Image Source: Reddit

17. The same wooden cover on the building, but one part is under the balcony and the other one had received 10 years of weather damage20 Eye Opening Comparison Photos, The same wooden cover on the building

Image Source: Reddit
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