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One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure - 14 DIY Pics

When something seems broken beyond repair, the first thing that comes to mind is that it’s time to let it go. But some creative souls out there see the potential in such worn and torn items and manage to give them a second life. Scroll through the photos below, and see the amazing transformations people managed to give to these otherwise unusable objects. 

1. These sneakers were elevated to a new level of cool
Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, sneakers

2. “Finally fixed what the cat did to the couch when we bought it 7 years ago.”
Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, couch

3. Old Dr. Martens - before and after restoration
Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, Dr. Martens

Related: These Photos of Decluttered Spaces Will Motivate You

4. This old column was found on the street. This person sanded and lacquered it, and now it looks amazing!Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, column

5. Cute DIY upholstery projectBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, upholstery

6. A repainted and repaired second-hand bikeBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, second hand bike

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7. “Had to throw this basket out at work because the side had split. I asked my boss if I could have it and she said sure, so with a little ribbon it’s fixed!”Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, basket

8. The festive repair of a 10-year-old's reindeer slippersBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, sleepers

9. “I found 2 chairs online, each with several issues. I got them both, and was able to combine them into one working chair that looks almost brand new!”Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, office chair

Related: New York’s Streets Are Full of Curbside Treasures

10. Mending a rip in a pair of jeans turned it into a galaxyBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, ripped jeans

11. The stages of fixing a workbenchBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, workbench

12. Why throw away perfectly good headphones?Before & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, headphones

13. A rocking chair found on the roadsideBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, rocking chair

14. As good as newBefore & After: DIY Makeovers of 14 Old Items, boots

Source of images: Acid Cow

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