I just wanted to wish you, whether it catches you on the day or not - to your family and everyone you know - have a very happy 4th of July, hope it's a great one! |
Wish Your Nearest and Dearest a Happy Thanksgiving
Send a card to your nearest and dearest wishing them a happy thanksgiving.
Send a Happy Halloween greeting card to your nearest and dearest!
Sparklers Are Safe for Children, Right? Think Again
Every year, thousands of people are injured due to unsafe conduct around fireworks. Here are tips to safely use recreational pyrotechnics.
Celebrate the 4th of July with These Howlarious Gags!
Celebrate the 4th of July with this hilarious prank collection.
Hey Dad! I Want to Wish You a Happy Father's Day!
Father's day is just around the corner, wish all the father's you know a happy father's day.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
She Will Never Forget Her Marriage Proposal. Ever.
This is a Marriage Proposal For the Books...
The Fascinating Ways Our Fruits and Veggies Are Grown...
Here are some of the amazing the ways that fruits and veggies grow that may be new to you!
These Fun Charts and Guides Teach You Tons of Cool Stuff
These charts and guides will come in handy. Save them!
The Unlikely Chance Encounters That Shaped the World
One chance meeting could change history. Check out the stories of the most world altering encounters that happened completely at random.
Rare Celebrity Pics from the '90s You Haven't Seen Before
These celebrity photos from the 1990s will make you nostalgic.
14 Superb Charts That Will Teach You Something Useful!
These 14 charts and maps are here to teach you lots of fun and practical lessons. We can almost guarantee that you’ll find something worth saving and returning to!
Forgotten Gems: 10 Classic Films You Missed
These underrated classics need your attention.
5 Famous Shipwrecks and Their Unbelievable Stories
Some unreal stories about what lies deep below the seas.
April Fools: The Most Iconic Pranks in History!
It’s April Fool's Day! Let’s check out some of the most iconic pranks in history.
This Struggling Single Mom's Story Will Warm Your Heart
A good story is all you need to restore your faith in humanity, and the story of single mom Billie, from Florida, is definitely one to do just that.
These Rare and Riveting Pics Reveal Some Captivating Facts
The world is full of rare and unique things that we may have never seen before. Here is a look at 15 such pictures with fascinating stories.
Her Mom With Alzheimer's Didn't Recognize Her, Until...
A loving daughter experiences a moment she thought she'd never have again.
18 Amazing Facts About Very Well-Known Brands
There are some really interesting and amazing facts about some of the world's most well-known brands, and you're about to learn 18 of them right now!
How Cannabis Changed During Our Lifetime
Cannabis used to be a fringe culture thing, but today it has become almost mainstream. What has changed about the plant since we were children?
These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
In this article, we’ll tell you about the truly fascinating origins of 11 time-honored cocktails!
I've Never Heard This Amazing Tale From the 2nd World War
This is going to be one of the most amazing stories you've ever heard. I guarantee it.
11 Legendary Military Rulers of the Ancient Past
The annals of history are rich with leaders who earned great renown for their courage and skill in battle. These illustrious kings and generals have won eternal renown due to their courage and brilliance.
These Female Celebs Have Aged Like Fine Wine (28 Pics)
These female celebrities are aging just like fine wine.
History vs. Hollywood: The Real Voyagers of the Titanic
A great many of the characters in the 1997 hit movie Titanic were based on real people. These are the stories and faces of the real voyagers of the Titanic.
Baby Names That are BANNED Around the World
These 14 names, some bizarre and some fairly ordinary, have been rejected or even outright banned in countries around the world for different reasons.
Wish Everyone You Love a Very Happy Easter
Choose from our 10 special Easter celebration greetings cards to send to those you are thinking of at this special time of the year.
11 Fun Charts - You’ll Love Learning All This Useful Info!
In these helpful visual guides, we cover such important topics as distinguishing heart attack symptoms in men and women, and how to care for your indoor plants.
The Bizarre History of the World's Most Stolen Painting
This painting is like a magnet for misdeeds, and was stolen again and again.
WATCH: Old Hollywood Legends Bring 'Uptown Funk' to Life
These vintage stars grooving to 'Uptown Funk' will make your day.
Famous Moments in History that Never Happened
Chances are you've accepted these nine occurrences as historical fact. But, they are actually, completely false.
Wow! These People Had Someone Looking Over Them!
These lucky people had some guardian angel looking over them that day!
WOW! These Men Must Have Nerves of Steel!
Vince Reffet and Noah Bahnson are thrill-seekers who love jumping off mountains. In this breathtaking video, they fly through the Alps.
These War Machines Were Truly One-of-a-Kind
It’s crazy to think these war weapons actually existed.
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
WW2 Changed These Places Greatly. How Do They Look Now?
Incredible! This is how the war has changed these places.
Here Are 18 Rare Photos You Won't Find In History Books
These are the RAREST vintage photos ever...
According to the CIA, This Is How Disguises REALLY Work
Ever wondered how spies and intelligence agencies manage to make their disguises look so utterly convincing? Find out here.
Vintage Photos: 17 Classic Snaps from the Good Old Days
Get a glimpse of the past with these fascinating vintage pictures.
Amazing History: The Man Who Took Down a Plane With a Gun
Owen Baggett is the only man ever to live known to have shot down a fighter plane using nothing but a handgun. Read his incredible story right here.
I Just Wanted to Let You Know: I'm Thinking of You
Are you thinking of someone right now? If so, send them a greeting card to let them know.
8 Must-Watch Movies for Fans of Mythology and Folklore
Mythology and folklore from around the world have inspired several films, and these are some of the best.
This Amazing Maze Has Taken the Internet By Storm!
Watch this intriguing video which features a maze of marbles and magnets.
7 Old & Fascinating Easter Traditions No Longer Practiced
Easter is an ancient tradition and, like most ancient traditions, it has many practices no longer in use. Here are 7 fascinating Easter traditions that are no longer in practice.
We Bet You Never Knew the Origins of These Common Idioms!
We bet you use the following 8 common idioms all the time, but have you ever stopped to take the time to think about where they came from?
That Time Sinatra Told a True Story About Don Rickles
40 years ago Frank Sinatra appeared on the Johnny Carson show. Unbeknownst to him, Don Rickles surprised him by appearing there, and Sinatra told a funny and true story about the both of them.