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IQ and Social Mobility: Can High IQ Break the Poverty Cycle?

When you look at the various socioeconomic levels of different societies - and within societies - you can’t help but wonder if the average IQ level of residents doesn’t play a significant role. Some people never seem to be able to get out of poverty, while others simply barrel ahead, generation after generation.

So, is there a link between IQ and wealth? Some would argue yes, that even those born into poverty figured out how to manipulate the system and ultimately come out on top. Others contend that there is little difference between socioeconomic status and IQ, and that both wealthy societies and poor ones contain a mixture of average and above average people.

IQ and Social Mobility: Can High IQ Break the Poverty Cycle?

Logical arguments on both sides

It is certainly the case that both sides have legitimate points to make. Let’s take a closer look at both of them.

Rise to the top

In fact, there is a fair argument to be made for the idea that being presented with difficulties is an automatic way to make you smarter. If people have it too easy, after all, they will never have any incentive to develop their intellectual faculties. This is the same criticism that is given to social media: by giving people information at their fingertips, how will they ever develop reasoning, critical thinking, etc skills?

If people are able to beat the odds and rise out of poverty, they are certainly making themselves smarter, this school holds. And when it happens for one member of society, the rise can have a domino effect and eventually prompt other members to rise up as well.

Institutionalized poverty

The counter-argument to this idea is that people in poor societies never even get the chance to think about upward social mobility because the system is keeping them permanently suppressed. Very smart people that have little money, live in crime-ridden areas, have drug problems in their neighborhoods, etc often don’t even have the time to deal with these problems, let alone think about rising above the norm.

The argument that those in favor of affirmative action programs make is that, if given an extra incentive in terms of work or educational preferences, this could be just the thing that exceptionally intelligent people need to get out of poverty and get on top.

CerebrumIQ has the answer

This debate could certainly go on for a long time. And indeed it does, in societies all around the world every day. Regardless of what you think about people’s ability to naturally bring themselves out of poverty, there is a new tool on the market that can help everyone.

IQ tests have been a subject of fierce debate for years. How can you really measure something as complicated as IQ? Can you really generalize IQ levels across populations? 

Well, now you can. And not only can you measure them accurately, you can actually improve on them on a regular basis. CerebrumIQ is a groundbreaking new program that provides a test applicable to anyone in the world. The genius of it is in eliminating language and cultural barriers, and getting at the heart of what IQ comprises. A series of pictorial multiple-choice questions challenges test takers to use their innate faculties.

Once you complete the IQ check, the program will analyze the areas in which you scored best, and those with which you could use improvement. It divides cognitive ability into five major areas: logic, memory, speed, reaction time, and concentration. It provides fun, interesting exercises that you can do on a regular basis to improve upon your cognitive skills. And you can take the test as many times as you want. 

People all over the world are raving about this program and how it has helped them. Some people become so addicted to the exercises that they make them part of their daily routine. It is something that can be both useful and enjoyable for anyone in the world.


Whether or not simply being smart is something that will help you get out of poverty is a question that will continue to be debated. What is clear is that using CerebrumIQ on a regular basis will help you develop your intellectual faculties. And this is something that will help you improve in life regardless of your socioeconomic position. So give it a try today, and you’ll soon be making progress.

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Related Topics: poverty, intelligence, IQ, wealth, high iq
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