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Impressive Photos Showing the Power of Time

Time passes by so quickly. Before we know it, our children grow up, our parents have gotten older, and our own faces show how time has worn us down. But, these changes creep up on us so subtly we often don't pay attention because we are too busy with work, school, and other important things. But if we stop for a moment and take a look around, we will see that even the most seemingly stable things change just as much. Take a look at these incredible photos, reminding us all that time spares nobody or nothing. 
1. This beautiful couple, then and now. 
power of time
2. A piano that clearly belonged to a very passionate player.
power of time
3. The floors of a barber shop worn down from his constant pacing around the chair.
power of time
4. A 4th generation mixing spoon.
power of time
5. A wooden terrace barrier only half-covered by the house. 
power of time
6. Sandbags from over 40 years ago which have now become solid rock.
power of time
7. A car wash vacuum cleaner after 6 years, compared to a new one of the same model. 
power of time
8. Even after 10 years, the love between these two is still strong.
power of time
9. This pocketknife carried for over 40 years compared to a new one. 
power of time
10. The Angel's Landing hike at Zion National Park.
power of time
11. The lion's head on a door at the Parthenon in Nashville.
power of time
12. This place hasn't changed its ping pong tables in 20 years. 
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13. A staircase carved in the stone wall above a creek. 
power of time
14. The footprints made by a monk after praying in the same spot for decades.
power of time
15. A 24-year-old beach towel. 
power of time
16. Braille on Helen Kellerโ€™s tomb worn away after decades of blind people reading it.
power of time
17. Over 5-years of playing fetch.
power of time
18. This truck driver's face aged 20 years faster on the side that faced the window.
power of time
19. A candlestick that has been used for a very long time.
power of time
20. A tree that has been planted next to a mother's grave. 
power of time
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