The Circle of Thinking...
A simple yet powerful illustration that may get you thinking about thinking...
Life According to the Tortoise!
The fact that it is a slow animal causes all the faster creatures to take it lightly, but it is the way the tortoise takes life, slowly and calmly, that can teach us quite a bit...
The Dog's Cousin Come To Stay - Adorable!
This British family found a little pathetic looking baby fox in the snow, abandoned by a mother who may have died before coming back for him. Without thinking too much about it, they added him to their household, where they already had one dog.
Australia Under Foam - Amazing!
This week Australia was troubled by severe floods. The heavy floods have resulted in a unexpected byproduct - foamy water, foamy beaches and foamy Australians!
Cute Overload: The Scottie Pinwheel
These Scottish Terriers sure love their goats milk! But what makes this so adorable is how they move when they are drinking it! This video will bring a smile to anyone's face, we guarantee!
18 Things You Didn't Know Were Real!
All of the things you are about to see are actually real...for some reason. Bet you didn't know they existed!
The Smaller, Cuter Versions of Ourselves!
As much as we love animals in all shapes and sizes, we love one size the most: Small! There's nothing cuter than baby animals, these tiny versions are sure to melt your heart and split your face in a wide smile!
The Street Sweeper Millionaire - Astounding!
This amazing story comes to us from China. Our heroine is Yu Youzhen, a street cleaner. Why is she so interesting? Because for the last 14 years, this street cleaner has also been... a millionaire! That's right! In 1998 Yu and her husband were compen
The House UN - Wonderful!
Meet a family that really embodies the spirit of giving and sacrificing, as they have adopted at least 8 children from different countries around the world. Children in need of a good home, which they now have, thanks to this kind couple.
Why Does It Hurt So Much - Touching and Beautiful.
What follows is a letter sent to us by a man who has lost his wife to cancer. He told us writing this helped him deal with some of what he was feeling. The questions he had for himself.
A Brother's Love - Inspiring and Amazing!
See the inspiring story of brothers Conner and Cayden Long...
Cute Alert! Beware of Tiny Lovable Creatures!
Every year, the cutest site on the web, cute-overload, has a photo competition, and this photo series just took the cake with its shots of these tiny creatures up close and oh so adorable!
The Battery Man - Unbelievable!
Slaviša Pajkić from Požarevac, Serbia is a battery man. Slavisa was born with an extremely rare condition where he doesn't sweat and has thick skin, thus increasing his resistance of his skin. Increasing resistance means less current will run through