Some Faith in Humanity Restored...
Start your day with some human kindness...
Earth Has Many Mysteries - Fascinating!
Earth may seem to grow smaller and smaller to us, but it is still an incredibly huge place, full of mysteries...
The Telekinetic Girl - Wow!
What would YOU do if you saw this?
A Dying Father's Heart Moving Gesture...
A beautiful and touching gesture by a dying father.
True Stories that Sound Made-Up!
Believe it or not - these are all true!
Who Would You Help? - Social Experiment
Suit or Homeless - Who Would You Help?
An Unusual Super Hero - Incredible!
A Super Power Lifter Despite being born with some disadvantages.
A Hero's Act - Fireman Saves Kitten's life
An act of kindness saves the life of a tiny kitty.
Meet Sir Stuffington - Adorable and Touching!
The story of tough little Sir Stuffington, a kitty that will melt your hearts...
Hold Close - A Beautiful Story in Drawing...
A great story told without a word being written...
When People Rescue Animals - Heartwarming!
A great compilation of moments where humans shine the most .
My Name Is Josh - Inspiring and Sweet
I ran into this inspiring message and really wanted to share it with you. I think you will like to meet Josh.
When World Leaders Paint...
These are not the kind of people you'd expect to actually pick up a paint brush. But they have...