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10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States

The United States is so large and varied, so naturally, a myriad of comparisons and differences can be drawn between the different states and regions of this vast country. And what’s a more fun way to learn than maps? Each of these US maps gives us some statistics and information about the country, which becomes all the more clear thanks to the layout. Scroll down and you might discover something new!

1. Blue States Have A Smaller Population Than Los Angeles County
10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, populaiton size

2. Counties With A GDP Over $100 Billion
10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, GDP

3. Popular Coffee Shop Chains By Number Of Locations

10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, popular coffee shop chians

Related: 22 Fascinating Demographic Maps of the USA


4. The Red And Orange Sections Have Equal Populations10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, population size

Related: 10 Fascinating Maps: Where Do Most of Us Live?

5. Tree Cover, Visualized10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, tree cover

6. The Loudest And Quietest Spots In The Continental US10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, loud vs. quiet

Related: These World Maps Made Me See the World in a New Way!

7. Areas of the US as European countries of the same GDP10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, Europe comparison

8. The Most Efficient Road Trip Through Every Springfield In The Country

10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, road trip

9. Regions That Do Not Officially Celebrate Columbus Day

10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, Columbus day

10. States Resized According To Population Density

10 Informative and Fun Maps of the United States, population density


Source of images: Izismile

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