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6 Secrets Known Only by 2 People

What makes a secret great? One of the factors is that few people know about them. Some secrets are passed from generation to generation, others from teacher to a successor. But for a secret to remain a secret forever, it can and should only be known by two people. Below are 6 secrets only two people in the world know about. 

1. Imperial napkins

As strange as this secret may sound, there is a secret method to folding napkins that few people in the world know about. The technique was invented during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and was strictly kept secret. It was passed down by certain Imperial servants orally from generation to generation. Servants were required to fold napkins this way for all dinners in case the emperor decided to attend. While this tradition is still alive today, there are only two officers who are keepers of this unique knowledge. And the only time it is shared and used is during visits from presidents or royal persons from other countries. 

2. The name of an award winner

One of the most prestigious and significant events of the year is the Oscar award ceremony. Each year, bookies make huge bets on the nominees - part of the reasons why the names are kept secret. Various experts and organizations process all the votes manually, but there are only two people, Brad Oltmann and Rick Rosas, who know who the winner will be for all 24 nominations and they only get hold of this information 48 hours before the ceremony because of the manual ballot processing. 

3. The language of Ayapaneco

Ayapaneco is an ancient language that people used to speak in Mexico long before it became known as Mexico. After being colonized by the Spanish, the language started to become extinct and all attempts to teach the new generation failed. Today, there are just two people left in the world who speak this language: Manuel Segovia (75 years old) and Isidro Velazquez (69 years old). Both live in the village of Ayapa in the southern state of Tabasco, Mexico. Currently, a number of specialists are gathering as many facts about the language as they possibly can. They are particularly interested in its history and culture. Thankfully, this means that this unknown language will be available for all to discover very soon. 

4. Led Zeppelin symbol meaning


When creating the symbols, each band member chose one symbol each to grace the cover of their fourth album, which became one of the most popular and legendary albums of all time. While the symbols of a Robert Plant's feather in a circle, John Bonham's Borromean Ring and John Paul Jones' triquerta inside a circle are clear, the meaning of Jimmy Page's symbol remains unknown. 

5. The Berglas Effect

This is the Holy Grail of all card tricks - it is an incredible illusion where a magician is able to locate a chosen card inside a card deck without touching it. What makes it even more interesting is that a magician can use a new or a sealed deck. The only two people in the world who know about this trick are David Berglas, the trick's creator and his protegee Mark Paul, who demonstrates the trick in this video.  

6. The Chartreuse liqueur recipe

This French liqueur has been produced by the monks of the Carthusian Order at the Voiron and Isere wine cellars at the Chartreuse Mountain's border since the 17th century. Its made from 130 types of herbs and is well known as the elixir of life. Each herb is kept a secret, so much so that only two monks from the Grand Chartreuse monastery know the recipe. 
Images: 1, 2a, b, 3, 4, 6a b
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