These Companies Across America Are Older Than the Country!
Here are 10 companies that have been around since the 18th century and continue to expand and operate after all these decades.
This is Preposterous! 14 Pics of Misleading Food Packages
Deceptive packaging is too common these days! Here are 14 disappointing examples of misleading food packages everyone should be aware of.
6 Essential Oils Scientifically Proven to Help Arthritis
All 6 of these essential oils have been scientifically proven to be effective and safe for treating arthritis symptoms.
These Food Cravings Could Indicate Health Problems
Studies show that certain food cravings and eating habits could be your body's way of telling you that there is a problem.
The Truth Behind 8 Misleading Skincare Marketing Claims
Reading to find out the truth behind skincare packaging claims, and what you should be actually looking for on the packaging of cosmetics.
Why We Tend To Spend Too Much at the Supermarket
Supermarkets have been designed to make us spend more than we actually need to without even realizing it.This is how it's done...
Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" are Much More Than Just Music
In this TED-Ed video, Betsy Schwarm explains just why it is that you should listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons."
Planes Rarely Cross Over the Pacific Ocean, But Why?
Even planes flying directly to Japan from the western US fly all the way through Alaska. Have you even wondered why this is the case?
How Good Are Your Reflexes? Try These Exercises with Kids
Here are 5 great and fun activities to test your reflexes.
Travel History With These Amazing Photos of Yesteryear
Amazing photos reveal 150 years of history.
We Got Hold of Some Rare Historical Pics. Want to See?
It’s time for another fascinating collection of historical photos.
11 Fun Charts - You’ll Love Learning All This Useful Info!
In these helpful visual guides, we cover such important topics as distinguishing heart attack symptoms in men and women, and how to care for your indoor plants.
How Clean Are Hotel Rooms, Really? Find Out the Answer!
Hotel rooms always look clean and fresh, but are they?
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
10 Quirky British Slang Phrases to Add to Your Vocabulary
British English often seems like a whole different language. Learn all about 10 common and certainly fun and quirky British slang words in this article!
What's Portmanteau? Surprising Etymologies of Common Words
If If you have ever said the words brunch, sitcom or spam, you have used portmanteaus. This is the fascinating origins story of many common words...
Early 1900s America Captured in Charming Vintage Photos
These vintage photos capture early 20th-century life in America.
These Naval Battles Changed the Course of History
History has been witness to some momentous naval battles. Here is a look at some of the greatest.
The Incredible Differences Between North and South Korea
Photographer captures remarkable difference between North and South Korea.
8 Historical Misunderstandings of the First Christmas
Some of the details that you have heard about the first Christmas are completely wrong. Here are 8 things that we bet you didn't know about the first Christmas.
The Truth Behind These Animal Myths Will Shock You
Here are a list of facts about animals we thought to be true.
These Acrobatic Performances Will Make Your Jaw Drop
A breathtaking compilation of the 100 best female acrobatic performances by Cirque du Soleil
13 Geniuses, Who On Some Level, May Have Been a Little Mad
These geniuses may have been smart, but they are incredibly weird too!
Send Christmas Wishes to Your Friends This Festive Season
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Send this video to your closest and dearest friends to let them know that you're thinking of them.
The Encyclopedia Won’t Tell You These Unique Facts
Here are 12 unique and curious facts about the world that will definitely surprise you.
These Facts Sound Made Up, But Are Totally Real!
These weird facts may sound completely fake, but we can prove that they’re actually real.
Museum of the Weird: 15 Fascinating Finds
Historical artifacts don't get weirder than this.
14 Senior Graduates Prove It’s Never Too Late To Learn
Here are 14 inspiring examples of people who pursued education and knowledge in their senior years.
Panama Canal: Engineering Miracle with a Shocking History
You may not know it but the Panama Canal is one of the 20th century's greatest achievements. When you read its incredible history you will understand why.
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
These Fun Charts and Guides Teach You Tons of Cool Stuff
These charts and guides will come in handy. Save them!
The Fascinating Ways Our Fruits and Veggies Are Grown...
Here are some of the amazing the ways that fruits and veggies grow that may be new to you!
These Latin Phrases Will Make You Think About Life
Take note of these beautiful and wise Latin phrases and understand their deep meanings.
The 3 Teenage Girls Who Outsmarted the Germans in WWII
Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, and Hannie Schaft used their looks to lure and execute Nazi-supporters in the Netherlands during WWII. This is their story.
The Past Was a Surprising and Truly Strange Time...
Here are some truly weird things that people used to do in the past from days gone by.
According to the CIA, This Is How Disguises REALLY Work
Ever wondered how spies and intelligence agencies manage to make their disguises look so utterly convincing? Find out here.
How We Came to Play: The Origins of Playground Games
The fun games we played in our childhood had some interesting origins.
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
You Won't Believe These Stories of the White House
The White House stands as a glorious monument to American politics, and in its 200 years of history, has had quite a few interesting encounter!
These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
In this article, we’ll tell you about the truly fascinating origins of 11 time-honored cocktails!
God Thought Long & Hard Before Creating the Dog...
They do say dogs are our best friend, and there is a reason for that.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
10 Questions You Always Wanted the Answer To
Let's dive into ten questions you've always wanted to ask and uncover the intriguing science behind everyday phenomena.
Was There Ever a Real Uncle Sam?
Did you know the same man drew both Unce Sam and Santa Claus as we know them today?
We Bet You Didn’t Know The Word OK’s True Meaning
It feels like one of the most natural and obvious words in our vocabulary, but it isn’t exactly so. Watch to find out OK’s interesting origins.
The English Language Desperately Needs These German Words!
Take a look at these 21 incredibly powerful words that the English language desperately needs to adopt.
Don’t Throw Away Your Used Teabags Just Yet
Teabags aren’t only for making delicious cups of teas. Find out what other uses they hold in this helpful video.