8 Hilarious Malapropisms by Famous Figures
Everyone, from politicians to celebrities, had a language slip-up at least once...
14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
This is the Cheekiest Dictionary
If you think dictionaries were dry and pedantic, you'd be right. That is, they were, until these cheeky definitions came along.
Knowing These Latin Shortenings Is Super Useful Even Today
Knowing a little bit of Latin can be quite useful to all the English speakers out there, and these 7 short phrases we see all the time are proof of exactly that!
20 Clever Words for Clever People To Laugh Over...
Have you heard of these words? No?? How come?
The English Language Desperately Needs These German Words!
Take a look at these 21 incredibly powerful words that the English language desperately needs to adopt.
10 Key Fossils that Changed Our Understanding of Evolution
These iconic fossils broadened the view of our ancestry.
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
4 Of the Strangest Unsolved Mysteries of All Time
Despite investigators' best efforts, these strange mysteries have remained unsolved...
Ancient Legends: 13 Terrifying Folklore Creatures
These fearsome folkloric beings have been keeping people awake for generations.
Urban Tales: Eight Stories That Shaped Our Cultures
In this article, we explore some of the most intriguing urban legends and folklore from various continents.
Ten Reasons Why Japan's Schools Are Spectacular
How is it Japan is so special? Perhaps it is all down to their unique education system. Here are 10 amazing things about Japan's schools you never knew!
12 Genius Ancient Chinese Inventions We Use to This Today
In this article, we'll focus on 12 surprising everyday items we all use that got their start many centuries ago in Ancient China...
20th Century: The MOST Popular Breakfast of Every Decade
Breakfast shape-shifted quite a bit during the 20th century. Discover the most popular breakfast delicacy of every decade in this article
These History Facts Sound Unlikely But They’re Accurate!
From a happy story of a lucky kitty to one of an utterly tragic shipwreck, all 6 of these mind-blowing facts are difficult to believe but accurate!
This Video is a Must for All History Buffs!
Seeing history move right before our eyes teaches us so much about the last 2000 years!
These 6 People Have an IQ Higher Than Einstein!
Einstein's name has long been used as a synonym for genius, but history is full of other tremendously intelligent people. Here are 6 noteworthy examples!
This Brilliant Talk Taught Me to Let Go of My Delusions
Isaac Lidksy has had quite an amazing life of success, which he puts down to a stunning realization that blindness gave him. Watch. You won't be disappointed.
Rare Interesting Historical Photos That are Must-See
You won’t find these rare photos in your history books.
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
18 Historical Photos Brought to Life in Glorious Color!
These glorious photos show history in full color.
These Archeological Finds Continue to Baffle Researchers
Some archeological discoveries that have been made simply cannot be explained away by modern researchers. Here are 15 of these baffling finds.
Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" are Much More Than Just Music
In this TED-Ed video, Betsy Schwarm explains just why it is that you should listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons."
13 of Napoleon Bonaparte's Most Famous Quotes
In this post, you'll find 13 of the French Emperor's most famous quotes, as well as more biographical information about the famous conqueror as you scroll down.
Enjoy These Brilliant Documentaries for Free on YouTube
Done with your Netflix’s docuseries supply? Check out these wonderful free documentaries on YouTube next.
These Photos Prove: Time & Angle Make All the Difference!
These fascinating comparison photos highlight what a huge difference time angle can make!
Baby Boomers, Do You Remember These Vintage Products?
If you are member of the baby boomer generation, you may just remember these nostalgic products from your childhood.
This Nonagenarian Gymnast Will Leave You Speechless
Johanna Quaas, at the grand old age of ninety-one, is the world's oldest gymnast. In this video, she showcases her skills - be prepared to be amazed!
The Real Life Spy Who Inspired the James Bond Series
Dusko Popov served as a double-agent spy during World War II. He also happened to cross paths with James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming...
This Soulful Cello Performance Will Give You Goosebumps
Sit back and enjoy this amazing cello performance
Snuggle Up with These Feel-Good TV Shows This Winter
Cozy up this winter with these feel-good TV shows.
Learning to Trust Again - Rehabilitating an Abused Dog
Ralph the abandoned dog learns to trust again...
These Ancient Stories Were Lost to the Sands of Time
Even some of the world's greatest stories can be forgotten due to the passage of time. After much digging, we rounded up 10 of the best. Read on!
Beware of Ordering These (Potentially) Fake Foods
There are certain items on a restaurant's menu that should be considered with caution, and this is because they tend to be faked. Learn more here.
Why is South Korea Experiencing a Population Crisis?
What are the reasons behind South Korea's population problem, the worst in the world.
These Naval Battles Changed the Course of History
History has been witness to some momentous naval battles. Here is a look at some of the greatest.
Flashback: Unfreezing Ice Cream's Delicious Origins
Did you know that even ancient civilizations had ice cream?
8 Influential Ancient Sumerian Inventions You Should Know
Find out some of the prominent and influential inventions by ancient Sumerians that helped change our world.
These Women Were the First EVER Supermodels in History
Modeling looks like an obvious career path to us now, but it wasn't always so. Who were the first-ever supermodels who paved the way for stars like Cindy Crawford?
These Optical Illusions Made Me Question Everything I See!
These optical illusions really give credence to the notion that the human eye is far from infallible. Here are 20 mind-bending optical illusions for you to try.
The Stories of These Women from History are Inspiring
Read the inspiring stories of these amazingly strong women.
The Past Was a Surprising and Truly Strange Time...
Here are some truly weird things that people used to do in the past from days gone by.
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
Did You Know These Vintage Items Might Be Worth Something?
Did you know that there are certain items in your home that might just be worth something? Take a look at these 12 vintage items that may be valuable.
These Rare and Riveting Pics Reveal Some Captivating Facts
The world is full of rare and unique things that we may have never seen before. Here is a look at 15 such pictures with fascinating stories.
Memoirs That’ll Change Your Life: Must-Reads for Everyone
These powerful memoirs are must-reads for everyone.