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17 Fascinating Historical Photos and Stories You’ll Love

History books often reduce world-changing events to dates, statistics, and broad outcomes. We read about revolutions and scientific breakthroughs without picturing the actual people involved. The individuals who lived through these moments had their own dreams, fears, and daily routines—just like us. 

History Addicts, a popular Facebook page, uncovers this human element of our past. From old-school buses to rare artifacts, they offer a glimpse into the past that feels surprisingly close. These visual time capsules connect us emotionally to our ancestors and help us understand that people throughout history weren't so different from ourselves after all.

Related: These History Facts Sound Unlikely But They’re Accurate!

1. Mongolian girl enjoying life with her camel

Historical Photos

2. Inspiring!

Historical Photos

3. Hope they had good boots

Historical Photos

4. 2000 year old mosaic of a dog next to a knocked over jug

Historical Photos

5. Drone lighting shows the ruins of Whitby Abbey as they might have appeared if it had been completed

Historical Photos

6. Chief Iron Tail driving an early automobile, 1915

Historical Photos

7. Winter school bus, Maine, 1930

Historical Photos

8. 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom

Historical Photos

9. A tricycle belonging to a 3-year-old boy named Shin, who died 1,500 meters from the hypocenter of the Hiroshima atomic bombing, 1945

Historical Photos

10. Shoemaker and his cat. Mid 19th century

Historical Photos

11. This intricately decorated bone comb from the 7th century AD was found in a warrior's burial site in Fridingen, Germany. To protect its fragile teeth, it is stored in a case and is currently displayed at the Landesmuseum Württemberg.

Historical Photos

12. A 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe modified in 1935 by Henri and Joseph Jonckheere with elaborate bodywork

Historical Photos

13. This is said to be the oldest, most complete Bible on Earth. Written on goat skin in the early fifth century, the Ethiopian Bible was the world's first illustrated Christian Bible.

Historical Photos

14. 30 million-year-old Amber encasing a praying mantis

Historical Photos

15. A preserved Neanderthal footprint, at least 40,000 years old. Grotte di Toirano, Liguria, Italy

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16. Incredibly detailed armor belonging to King Henry II of France

Historical Photos

17. 16th century Italian parade shield, depicting ‘The Judgement of Paris’, sculpted by Leone Leoni

Historical Photos
All images: History Addicts 
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