Did You Know Cranes Set Themselves Up From the Ground?
A piece of trivia you never thought of - this is how cranes are set up on construction sites.
This Will Change Your Perspective On Anger
Anger is an often misunderstood emotion. These facts about anger will change your views on this common emotion.
Trivia: Only a Minority of People Pass This Test Correctly...
Do you have great general knowledge? Think you can beat our fact test...?
Bizarre But True: 15 Fascinating Facts That Surprised Us
These utterly amazing tidbits will leave you utterly amazed.
Here Are 18 Facts That Are Bound to Blow Your Mind!
Here are 18 amazing facts that you won't be forgetting anytime soon!
You're Likely an Expert in Autology Without Even Realizing
Discover 10 strange fields of academic research. Most people have no idea they exist!
News That Inspires: Positive Stories From Around the World
There are so many good things happening in the world. Here’s a look at some of the most inspiring news updates to brighten your day.
8 Must-Watch Movies for Fans of Mythology and Folklore
Mythology and folklore from around the world have inspired several films, and these are some of the best.
22 Facts That Will Change What You Think You Know
From Facebook to Winston Churchill, these 22 surprising facts are very interesting.
16 Helpful Charts and Guides Worth Saving
We’ll never get enough of useful charts, maps, and guides like these!
17 Terrific Charts to Expand Your General Knowledge
We have a treat for all lifelong learners. It’s a list of 17 charts that will enrich your knowledge in geography, nutrition, linguistics & anything in-between!
Good News Alert! 11 Positive Things You Need to Know About
If you look for good news, you’ll always find it. Here are some wonderful things happening around us right now.
18 Amazing Facts About Very Well-Known Brands
There are some really interesting and amazing facts about some of the world's most well-known brands, and you're about to learn 18 of them right now!
Andre Rieu's Haunting Performance: The Godfather Theme
Andre Rieu's haunting rendition of the Godfather theme will leave you speechless.
What’s Written in the Sky? 8 Greek Constellation Myths!
Have you ever wondered how constellations got their names? These stories from Ancient Greece reveal the mythology behind 8 prominent constellations in the sky.
15 Essential Legal Terms That Sound Confusing to People
If you want to understand legal representatives better and simply enjoy your favorite legal TV show to the fullest, learn these 15 legal words and phrases.
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
15 Common Words You Are Pronouncing WRONG
Here is a list of some of the most common English words that are generally mispronounced by a majority of us.
20 Mind-Blowing Facts That Sound Completely Made Up
You won't believe how crazy these crazy facts are.
Museums Are Simply Treasure Troves - 16 Fascinating Photos
These incredibly cool and interesting exhibits prove what treasure troves museums are!
14 Superb Charts That Will Teach You Something Useful!
These 14 charts and maps are here to teach you lots of fun and practical lessons. We can almost guarantee that you’ll find something worth saving and returning to!
20 Weird Facts You Didn't Know You Need to Know
20 Historical, modern, weird & funny facts for your enjoyment.
A Glimpse Through Time: 17 Photos That Bring History Alive
Here are some of the most interesting photos from history.
18 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Medieval Times
Watch Medieval Literature Dr. Dorsey Armstrong answer all the important questions related to the Middle Ages.
This Struggling Single Mom's Story Will Warm Your Heart
A good story is all you need to restore your faith in humanity, and the story of single mom Billie, from Florida, is definitely one to do just that.
20 Cognitive Biases Ruining Our Decision Making Process
If you find it hard to make a decision, these cognitive stumbling blocks could be what's affecting your behavior.
The Real Life Spy Who Inspired the James Bond Series
Dusko Popov served as a double-agent spy during World War II. He also happened to cross paths with James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming...
18 Unlikely But True Facts That Will Get You Thinking
The saying truth is stranger than fiction is all too true when you read these incredible facts. #2 had me grabbing for my calculator.
Do You Remember Playing Like These Photographed Children?
In the days before cellphones, the internet, and the like, we children had to learn how to make our fun. Remember playing like these retro kids?
20th Century: The MOST Popular Breakfast of Every Decade
Breakfast shape-shifted quite a bit during the 20th century. Discover the most popular breakfast delicacy of every decade in this article
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
11 Fun Charts - You’ll Love Learning All This Useful Info!
In these helpful visual guides, we cover such important topics as distinguishing heart attack symptoms in men and women, and how to care for your indoor plants.
5 Unexplained UFO Encounters That Puzzled Experts
We may not believe in UFOs, but throughout history there have been some rather strange UFO-like encounters that defy logic.
12 Unique and Beautiful Words That Charm and Delight
Take a look at this list of some weird and wonderful words that you are unlikely to have read in your language course in school.
Dogs: A Super Collection of Posts On Man's Best Friend
This collection will tell you some amazing things about our incredible friends, from learning the different breeds to dog psychology and much more. Have a pawsome day!
15 Photographs That Captured Beautiful Moments in History!
History is filled with strange, profound and beautiful moments and peppered with incredible people, and some were vividly captured on camera!
13 of Napoleon Bonaparte's Most Famous Quotes
In this post, you'll find 13 of the French Emperor's most famous quotes, as well as more biographical information about the famous conqueror as you scroll down.
Was There Ever a Real Uncle Sam?
Did you know the same man drew both Unce Sam and Santa Claus as we know them today?
History Lesson: How Japan Met Europe for the First Time
This video delves into the fascinating story of how the Portuguese and Japanese of the 16th century met, two distinct worlds, exploring the initial contact.
12 Ingenious Life Hacks from Ancient Civilizations
From advanced dental care to sustainable agriculture, these ancient life hacks demonstrate a blend of practicality and sophistication.
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
These 5 Extraordinary People Really Are Superhumans!
This gripping documentary tells the stories of five exceptionally talented people with unique gifts.
Planes Rarely Cross Over the Pacific Ocean, But Why?
Even planes flying directly to Japan from the western US fly all the way through Alaska. Have you even wondered why this is the case?
History of the Ninjas: The Truth of the Famous Assassins
Let’s take a journey through time, exploring the origins, evolution, and enduring legacy of the Ninja.
Rare Celebrity Pics from the '90s You Haven't Seen Before
These celebrity photos from the 1990s will make you nostalgic.
Don’t Say These Words Abroad, You Might Be Misunderstood
These 15 words are all similar to English ones, but they mean something completely different in other languages