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14 Unusual Finds from the Past That Are Truly Bizarre

Stepping into a physical museum, soaking in its atmosphere, and exploring its exhibits is a truly enriching experience. Unfortunately, our daily routines don't always allow for a leisurely afternoon spent wandering through grand exhibitions. That's where online museums come to the rescue, offering the allure of discovery from the comfort of your home.

Some virtual museums excel at showcasing the truly peculiar, objects that spark curiosity and ignite the imagination. Monsieur Pompier's Museum of Curiosities is one such treasure trove, brimming with displays that are as fascinating as they are quirky and downright strange. Below, you will find some of the best old photographs from this online museum that will leave you captivated.

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1. 19th century walking stick, topped with a cat wearing goggles

 "Museum of Curiosities"

2. This perfume bottle is made up of eight orange-colored glass bottles that are arranged in a painted ceramic holder (About 1925)

 "Museum of Curiosities"

3. Vintage disguise kit by Fao Schwarz

 "Museum of Curiosities"

4. 17th-century poison cabinet disguised as a book

 "Museum of Curiosities"

5. Ann Lockley enjoying tea with a baby hawk and a lobster. Ann lived on Skokholm Island, where her family was the only occupants and the animals were her friends. This photo was taken for a 1938 National Geographic story "We Live Alone And Like It—On An Island."

 "Museum of Curiosities"

6. The Virgin of the Seven Sorrows is a depiction of the Virgin Mary grieving the seven sorrows she experienced in her life, likely an 18th-century painting from Southern Italy, now part of the Musée Du Cœur collection

 "Museum of Curiosities"

7. A 19th-century Victorian home with a hidden staircase that leads to a secret room

 "Museum of Curiosities"

8. Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun wore socks with his sandals

 "Museum of Curiosities"

9. Victorian-era radiator with bread warmer

 "Museum of Curiosities"

10. The Metropolitan Museum of Art houses a fascinating automaton: a gold frog, crafted in Switzerland in 1820 and adorned with enamel, diamonds, and rubies

 "Museum of Curiosities"

11. Corner piano

 "Museum of Curiosities"

12. Salvador Dalí walking his anteater

 "Museum of Curiosities"

13. This Russian family portrait was taken in 1886. The father was obsessed with pool, and dressed his children like billiard balls

 "Museum of Curiosities"

14. That's a phon-ey costume, isn't it? 

 "Museum of Curiosities"
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