Hilarious: There Must be a SAFER Way to Do These Things!
These work safety fail pictures will make you anxious... and then make you laugh out loud!
Who Knew Statistics Could Be SO Funny!
Raf Schoenmaekers combined his love for digital art and engineering background to tell some truths using graphs in this funny comics.
It’s Impossible Not to Laugh at These Playfully Cute Pets
You can't help but smile looking at the pictures of these hilariously cute pets.
Funny: The Heart & the Brain Can NEVER Be On the Same Page
These comics, by artist Nick Seluk, also known as The Awkward Yeti, show the eternal struggle between the heart and the brain.
We Can All Surely Relate to These COVID-19 Comics
This artist made a series of lighthearted “before and after” comics that show how the pandemic changed our daily lives, and they're very relatable!
Escape to the Utopic World of Cute Animal Illustrations
Reading these comics, you'll probably feel entertained and understood - as if you're talking to an old friend.
9 Extraordinary Women Who Beat Men at Their Own Games
These 9 women are among the most important names in history, but do you know their names and inspiring stories.
WATCH: Old Hollywood Legends Bring 'Uptown Funk' to Life
These vintage stars grooving to 'Uptown Funk' will make your day.
25 Incredible Facts About the Famous Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan struck fear into the hearts of his subjects during his reign, but there's a lot more to the man than meets the eye. Here are 25 intriguing facts.
Meet the 10 Most Influential Figures of the Renaissance
Learn about the 10 most influential characters from the rebirth of Western civilization, including sculptors, painters, architects, writers, humanists, scientists, and philosophers.
12 Vintage Christmas Songs That Still Warm Hearts
These classic Christmas songs capture the spirit of the season.
What Does the Color of an Egg Yolk Mean? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered what the color of an egg yolk says about the quality of the egg? If so, then wonder no more...
Vintage Photos: 17 Classic Snaps from the Good Old Days
Get a glimpse of the past with these fascinating vintage pictures.
Have You Ever Seen Ducks With Jobs? You're About To!
Watch the day-to-day life of these incredible ducks, who just so happen to spend their lives on a wine farm...
10 Magicians Whose Performances Were Mind-Bending
Marvel at these incredibly amazing magical performances that literally stunned the judges and the audience.
Pivotal Historical Scenes Frozen in the Frame of a Moment
A collection of rare historical moments you probably won't find in textbooks.
14 Positive Stories to Bring Some Cheer Amidst the Gloom
These positive news stories show that there are still things to smile about.
The 12 Moonwalkers: The Men Who Touched The Lunar Surface
Here's a look at the only 12 men in history to have walked on the surface of the moon.
14 Interesting Exhibits from the "Museum of Curiosities"
The "Museum of Curiosities" is an online platform that has some startling and fascinating treasures.
20 Safety Fails That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
You'd be surprised to see how often people just throw safety regulations to the wind with these 20 heart-stopping images
Snuggle Up with These Feel-Good TV Shows This Winter
Cozy up this winter with these feel-good TV shows.
14 Fascinating Museum Treasures That Stole the Show
These 14 museum finds are truly impressive.
12 Typical American Things That Didn’t Originate in the US
Many things we often think are typically American, such as cowboys, comic strips and mac & cheese, have actually started far away from the USA
8 Weird and Wacky Failed Inventions from the Past
Here is a look at some weird and wacky inventions from the past that never quite took off despite their innovativeness.
The Real Bonnie and Clyde: 7 Facts About the Outlaw Couple
Media depicts them as glamourous, fearless outlaws. But what was behind the myth of Bonnie and Clyde? These 7 lesser-known facts tell their story.
8 Essential Greek Philosophy Books You Shouldn't Miss
Here is your best chance for understanding Greek philosophy and its history.
These Photos Prove: Time & Angle Make All the Difference!
These fascinating comparison photos highlight what a huge difference time angle can make!
Phrases We Use Without Realizing It’s a Shakespeare Quote
William Shakespeare had a huge impact on modern English, so much so that most of us are quoting the great bard every day without even realizing it!
These Specialized Tools Have the Most Unique Uses
These specialized tools have the most unusual uses.
23 Extraordinary Vision Facts That'll Open Your Eyes Wide
The eye is an amazing body part, but did you know how amazing? These 23 facts will open your eyes to the extraordinary truth.
The Incredible History of China's Terracotta Army
China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, had built a platoon of clay soldiers to accompany him in the afterlife. Find out more about this unusual piece of history.
7 Ancient Buildings That Have Survived the Test of Time
Here is a look at some wonderful ancient structures that have survived the test of time.
Cities of Yesteryear: See the 1890s Come Alive!
It's incredible to have this look into yesteryear, and this compilation have some truly terrific sights to show you!
7 Fairy Tales That Are Popular to This Very Day!
The best fairy tales are those that are timeless and yet forever modern, tapping into our wildly shared emotions and moral attitudes. Here are 7 of the best!
A Nostalgic Look Back at Prices in the Past (14 Pics)
Travel back to the time when things cost just a few cents.
The Stories of These Women from History are Inspiring
Read the inspiring stories of these amazingly strong women.
These Inventors Absolutely Hate Their Creations
These 7 inventions became world famous and even world changing... yet their inventors deeply regret them.
These Photos Will Give You Some Eye Opening Perspective
It’s hard to wrap your mind around something until you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture. These fascinating comparison images might help.
The Unlikely Chance Encounters That Shaped the World
One chance meeting could change history. Check out the stories of the most world altering encounters that happened completely at random.
The Most Successful Hoaxes In History
The world loves pranks and history has a trail of good and bad ones. Here are some of the most successful hoaxes ever pulled.
A Fascinating History of the New Year’s Eve
Did you know that New Year's hasn’t always been celebrated on January 1?
Keep a Conversation Flowing With These Historical Facts
If a conversation you're having starts to stall, just throw out some of these amazing historical facts and you’ll be talking long into the night!
Add Extra Sunshine to Your Life With These Feel-Good Books
Need a little pick-me-up? These feel-good books are guaranteed to leave you smiling.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
Let's Remember Matthew Perry by His Lovely Quotes
"Friends” star Matthew Perry has passed away. Here’s a look at some of his most memorable quotes.
The Bizarre History of the World's Most Stolen Painting
This painting is like a magnet for misdeeds, and was stolen again and again.
How Good Are Your Reflexes? Try These Exercises with Kids
Here are 5 great and fun activities to test your reflexes.