Medieval Artists Had the FUNNIEST Ideas About Animals
Most medieval artists have never seen wild animals in their lives, but it didn't stop them form trying to paint them. Th results are hilarious.
What Made the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Last So Long
How do new words get added do the dictionary? Watch the surprising history of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to find out...
This Joke Starts With Three Dogs Walking Down the Street
Three male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful female poodle. She tells them that whoever has the best way with words would get her...
We Bet You Didn’t Know The Word OK’s True Meaning
It feels like one of the most natural and obvious words in our vocabulary, but it isn’t exactly so. Watch to find out OK’s interesting origins.
These Beautiful Antique Items Have Been Touched by History
Antique objects can bear extra value. They are beautiful, durable, and hold historical significance. Here are 20 stunning antiques we'd love to own!
Can You Believe These Words Didn’t Exist Before the 1970s?
When a new words spreads it seems it's been around forever. But in reality, many of the words we use everyday are quite new. These didn't exist before the 1970s.
Uncover Château de Versailles' Dirtiest Secrets...
Everyone's got one bad habit or another and royalty is no exception. This documentary exposes many of France's dirtiest secrets from the 17th Century.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
Museum of the Weird: 15 Fascinating Finds
Historical artifacts don't get weirder than this.
The Fascinating Last Words of Famous Historical Figures
Some of the most important figures in world history, along with some of the most notorious, had some fascinating things to say just before they left this world.
Baby Boomers, Do You Remember These Vintage Products?
If you are member of the baby boomer generation, you may just remember these nostalgic products from your childhood.
Did You Know You're Intelligent If You Have These Traits?
There are certain signs of intelligence that are actually quite subtle. Here are 10 subtle signs that are hallmarks of intelligence.
Send Christmas Wishes to Your Friends This Festive Season
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Send this video to your closest and dearest friends to let them know that you're thinking of them.
14 Nostalgic Pics to Take You Back to the Good Ol’ Days
These photos will instantly trigger your nostalgia.
Amazing History: The Man Who Took Down a Plane With a Gun
Owen Baggett is the only man ever to live known to have shot down a fighter plane using nothing but a handgun. Read his incredible story right here.
Don't Blink! Korean Magician's INCREDIBLE Sand Illusions
Watch Korean magician Young Min astound judges with his incredible sand magic act.
WOW! These Men Must Have Nerves of Steel!
Vince Reffet and Noah Bahnson are thrill-seekers who love jumping off mountains. In this breathtaking video, they fly through the Alps.
These Ancient Greek Inventions Helped Change the World
Take a look at some of important inventions and discoveries of ancient Greece that you might not be aware of.
9 ‘Current’ Words That Are Much Older Than You’d Guess
Hipster, Influencer and Dude - all these words sound so quintessentially modern, but you'd be surprised to learn how old they actually are.
Did You Know How Incredible You Were in Your Youngest Days?
Your baby self was incredible! Here are some facts to back this statement up...
14 Obsolete English Terms We Wish Were Brought Back!
Over the centuries, so many eloquent and useful English words fell out of use. We wish these 14 clever (but sadly obsolete) terms were used more often.
Snuggle Up with These Feel-Good TV Shows This Winter
Cozy up this winter with these feel-good TV shows.
Megiddo: The Story of the Oldest Battle in History
Join us as we explore the dramatic events and enduring legacy of this pivotal conflict that shaped the course of human civilization.
Savor These Delightful Short Films This Christmas Season
Here are some of the most wonderful Christmas-themed short films that you can watch this holiday season.
These Alternate Versions of History Will Blow Your Mind...
Our world is full of 'what if?' questions, since we just love to speculate about how things could have turned out differently. Here are 10 of the best!
This Song By Frank Sinatra is So Beautiful
Sing through the lyrics of Frank Sinatra's Young at Heart here.
How Are Men and Women Different? A Few Good Examples
In this series of funny but true pictures, we get a quick tour of some of the major differences between men and women...
Urban Tales: Eight Stories That Shaped Our Cultures
In this article, we explore some of the most intriguing urban legends and folklore from various continents.
10 Film Noir Movies You Simply Have to Watch
If you're new to this genre and even if you're an old fan, these 10 classic film noir movies are a must-watch for anyone.
14 Odd Inventions You Won’t Believe Were Once in Use
You might be surprised by what our ancestors considered essential gadgets.
That Time Sinatra Told a True Story About Don Rickles
40 years ago Frank Sinatra appeared on the Johnny Carson show. Unbeknownst to him, Don Rickles surprised him by appearing there, and Sinatra told a funny and true story about the both of them.
What Did the Future Mean to 1958 High Schoolers?
Peep into a high school debate from 1958 about the teenager's future. Are their arguments still relevant today?
How to Approach an Unfamiliar Dog Safely
Just as there are courtesy rules to meeting a person for the first time, there are also right and wrong ways to approach an unfamiliar dog.
9 Different Types of Oranges You Never Knew About
How many of these unique orange varieties have you tried?
12 Misnomers That Have Been Fooling Us All Our Lives
The true stories behind 12 popular misleading misnomers are explained here.
Rare Celebrity Pics from the '90s You Haven't Seen Before
These celebrity photos from the 1990s will make you nostalgic.
Facts from History You’ve Likely Never Heard Before
If you’re someone who loves uncovering the lesser-known corners of the past, you’ll find something special here.
12 Vintage Christmas Songs That Still Warm Hearts
These classic Christmas songs capture the spirit of the season.
10 Difficult Words in English Everyone Should Know
English has many difficult words with meanings that are nearly impossible to guess, which makes them super tough to remember. Here are 10 such words
15 Spine-Chilling Facts About the World
We really wish these creepy facts weren't true, but unfortunately, they very much are, and it's better to be aware and wary of them...
24 Photos of Love & Kindness to Inspire Us All
These amazing photographs are just what you need to remind you about the most important things in life, kindness and love.
WATCH: 110-Year-Old Supercentenarian Talks of Life
Born in 1906, and having served in the South Pacific during WWII, Richard Overton is the US' oldest living veteran. Watch this video about his remarkable life.
WATCH: The Incredible Kindness of Strangers Is Wonderful
Strangers can be incredibly compassionate, and this is just as true when helping out an animal in distress. Watch this heart-warming video.
8 Historical Coincidences That are Too Bizarre to Be Fake
Throughout history, there were many events that could only occur due to incredible coincidences. Here are 8 of history weirdest coincidences, these stories sound stranger than fiction.
10 Fascinating Facts About Mark Twain’s Life
Without a doubt, there are many things we can admire in Mark Twain & learn from his life. Here are 10 fascinating facts from his biography you likely didn’t know
8 Mysterious Objects Found By Deep Sea Divers
The oceans are vast and mysterious, and they hide many strange and curious lost objects. Here are 8 such items, unearthed by deep-sea divers.
26 Vintage Celebrity Photos Filled with Undeniable Charm
Let's take a look at 26 vintage photos filled with undeniable charm.
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