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10 Most Well Known American Conspiracy Theories

Events shrouded in mystery are bound to gain alternative explanations, especially if the official explanation for a specific sighting or event is lacking or seems unlikely to a large group of people. In this manner, mysteries often create conspiracy theories, which can sometimes gain so much popularity they spread throughout the whole country, even a really big one like the United States. The 10 conspiracy theories we will mention today are all very popular, but also very different, and some of these may surprise you.

1. The Brunswick Springs are Cursed

conspiracy theories Brunswick Springs
Not everyone knows about this legend about Brunswick Springs, located near the small town of Brunswick, Vermont. There are 6 different springs, each allegedly having a different healing power because they contain a different mineral. The Abenaki Native Americans have known and used the healing powers of the springs for centuries.
In the 1700s, they brought a wounded colonist soldier to the springs to heal his wounds, and after witnessing the springs’ healing powers, he wanted to bottle the water from the springs to sell it. The Abenaki didn’t want their sacred springs to be used for profit and cursed the springs, warning that everyone who will want to use the healing powers of the springs for commercial purposes will suffer.
Since the 1850s, 4 different hotels were built near the springs, and all of them burned down under mysterious circumstances, and you guessed it, some people believe that it’s because of the curse.

2. There is a Mind Control Lab in Alaska

conspiracy theories lab in Alaska
Deep in the mountains of Alaska, there is a research lab with a 33-acre field containing 180 or more antennas. The lab is part of the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and it uses radio waves to study natural phenomena unique to this Arctic region, such as Aurora Borealis.
But some people believe that this research facility does more than simply study the atmosphere: some are convinced it’s either a weapon or a mind control lab. However, in 2016, the research center opened its doors to the public to educate and show that the facility isn’t dangerous.

3. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy

conspiracy theories The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy
A separate category of conspiracy theories is linked to deaths of famous public figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Elvis, and many others. But the tragic death that caught the attention of people throughout the US the most is certainly John F. Kennedy’s assassination, so much so that there are films and books written on the topic, as well as dedicated guided tours in Dallas, Texas, the city in which the president was shot.
Several investigations and commissions since proved that Lee Harvey Oswald, the man initially arrested for the crime and subsequently killed 2 days after his arrest, was the one who shot the president. Still, a lot of people are convinced that there’s more to the story, claiming that the assassination was either an inside job or an initiative of other countries or the mafia.

4. Multidimensional Travelers Used to Live in a Ghost Town in New Jersey

conspiracy theories Ong’s Hat
This is one of the earliest Internet conspiracies in the United States, the subject of which is an abandoned ghost town in New Jersey. Ong’s Hat is an abandoned town in the Pines area of New Jersey. It was founded in the 17th century, but its population gradually declined, and by 1936, Ong's Hat was completely abandoned.
According to some, however, the town was repopulated by a strange group of interdimensional travelers. This theory can be traced back to a pamphlet published in the 1980s telling the story of 2 Princeton scientists who moved to Ong’s Hat to build an interdimensional travel machine called "The Egg".
According to Internet speculations, there was an entire group of people who used this machine to travel into alternate dimensions, often to escape police investigation. Some people have even claimed that they were part of this mysterious group, but there is no actual evidence in or near the town or anywhere else to prove that this group existed.

5. Aliens Visit Skinwalker Ranch, Utah, on a Regular Basis

conspiracy theories Skinwalker ranch, Utah
A whole separate category of conspiracy theories is dedicated to UFO sightings and aliens, with places like Roswell and Area 51 being featured in countless documentaries, films and any media outlet you can possibly think of. Have you ever wondered, though, how the often funny trope of aliens stealing cows gain popularity?
The origins of this now common image started at Skinwalker Ranch in the 1990s when the Sherman family who held this ranch for years shared the strange and inexplicable things that happened on their ranch with the media. Terry Sherman reported to the press that he and his family witness UFOs, crop circles, appearing and disappearing circular doorways for years. What’s even stranger, Sherman’s cows would vanish for days and would then return mutilated.
This sparked an interest of the ranch in the media, with Skinwalker ranch soon gaining wide popularity all across the country. Interestingly, other people reported seeing werewolves and UFOs in the area of the ranch as early as the 1970s, so the Shermans weren’t the first to experience this kind of paranormal activity in the area.

6. The Mattress Firm in Illinois is a Money-Laundering Business

conspiracy theories Mattress Firm
One of the most recent Internet conspiracy theories tries to prove that Mattress Firm stores in Illinois are actually a cover-up for a money-laundering scheme. How did this theory originate? Well, someone on the social media website Reddit pointed out that many Mattress Firm stores are often located very closeby, especially in Chicago.
This observation was picked up by thousands of other Internet users, with many of them noticing that the density of these stores exceeds the demand for mattresses by miles, with some of these stores neighboring each other from across the street. For example, one user on Reddit wrote, "I remember seeing four mattress firms all on each corner of an intersection once, and there is no way there is such a demand for mattresses."
This ultimately led people to believe it’s a giant money-laundering scheme, but there is no other evidence to prove it.

7. The Mysterious Inscriptions on the Georgia Guidestones

conspiracy theories  Georgia Guidestones
The Georgia Guidestones is a monument in Elberton, Georgia, built in the 1980s and paid for by an unknown man. This strange customer asked the sculptors to inscribe 10 messages in 8 languages on the monument. These messages look like a set of rather peculiar guidelines for people.
One of these inscriptions, for example, says "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature", and the rest are no less strange either. Given that we don’t know anything about the author or the meaning of this monument, there are several theories floating around the Internet, with one of the most popular ones being that the inscriptions were created by people from the future, and are giving us instructions on how to survive the apocalypse.

8. John Dillinger Was Never Caught

conspiracy theories John Dillinger
John Dillinger was one of the most notorious and feared criminals in US history, and according to some rumors, he wasn’t really killed in 1934. In the 1930s, everyone was afraid of Dillinger, who conducted 10 armed robberies in the state of Indiana and was subsequently arrested and put into jail only to escape soon after.
After his escape, he went through plastic surgery to change his facial features, rendering himself unrecognizable, but in 1934, he was supposedly killed after the FBI offered a $100,000 reward for Dillinger. To this day, many people claim that Dillinger didn’t die that day, with some rumors pointing out that the body they found had brown eyes while the real criminal had gray eyes.
Other stories also mention that the body also showed signs of diseases Dillinger didn’t have. To add even more oil to the fire, in 1963, the Indianapolis Star news agency received a letter by a person claiming to be the infamous robber, so the jury is still out whether he managed to escape prosecution by staging his own death.

9. The Bigfoot

conspiracy theories The Bigfoot
Need we explain what a Bigfoot is? Knowing how popular this conspiracy theory is, we don’t think so. Despite the fact that the original Bigfoot footprints that surfaced in 1958 are now known to be a prank by Ray Wallace, as his children have admitted after the man’s death in 2002, more and more sightings of this strange creature are recorded each year. In Washington state alone, there have been 2,032 recorded Bigfoot sightings.

10. Flathead Lake, Montana is Home to Nessy’s Twin

conspiracy theories Flathead Lake
Loch Ness isn’t the only lake that can boast of having an aquatic monster living in its depths, at least that’s what a conspiracy theory originating from Flathead Lake claims. Over 100 sightings of the creature were recorded, with the first one being in 1889 when Captain James C. Kerr and the passengers of his steamboat have all witnessed a 30-40 foot long something in the lake. The creature was said to have humps, fins and, as one of the witnesses reported, "steel black eyes".
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