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Quilling: Art by Sena Runa

Quilling is an intriguing art form, popular during the Renaissance and the 18th century. But, in recent years, it has gained popularity once again. This art form includes the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. Sena Runa is one such artist. She worked as an HR Specialist before deciding to quit her job and design artworks using the paper art techniques as a full time job in 2015. By the looks of it, she made the right choice:

To view more of Sena Runa's work, click here.
Runa discovered her talent for quilling in 2012.
sena runa art
She had been searching the internet for some inspiration to discover a hobby that she would enjoy.
sena runa art
In her search she came across a colorful picture that was made from paper using the quilling technique.
sena runa art
The first project she tried turned out awful, which led her to explore various quilling techniques.
sena runa art
Soon enough she came across the style she uses to this day - a combination of quilling and sketch. 
sena runa art
"I design my own templates," she says. "Creating your style gives you a sense of freedom. I really enjoy designing things that I've never seen quilled by anyone else."
sena runa art
She now works all week long, but insists that she loves to bring "fruitful colors to the lives of others." 
sena runa art
While maintaining that she enjoys spreading her joy in many places around the world.
sena runa art
sena runa art
sena runa art
sena runa art
sena runa art
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